JSN PowerAdmin - Making Joomla easy and fun to use

Joomla is powerful, but is it easy to use? Some people agree with that, but some people don't since they find it hard to start using Joomla. You know, it is not easy for a newbie to define front-end items in the back-end, change module positions, etc. Read on to find out how you can solve these problems...

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  29882 Hits

10 Most Popular Websites Using Joomla!

Since March 2007, over 30 million copies of the Joomla software have been downloaded according to Joomla.org. Joomla is the world's most popular full-featured Content Management System (CMS) and powers approximately 2.7% of the 1,000,000 largest websites in the world. These websites are in a variety of fields, such as education, arts, media, sports, business, science, technology, health, etc.

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  412852 Hits

Joomla Social Groups - Have you joined us yet?

You can build nice websites with Joomla - The leading open source Content Management System. But definitely that is not all. You can also contribute to Joomla Social Groups or make friends with active Joomla users on Social Media Sites such as Facebook or Twitter. Here, being helpful and sharing ideas, you might find more fun than you expected before.

Let's see where we can keep connected with this friendly community.

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  27948 Hits

Joomla SaaS – A Good Start for Joomla Newbie

Joomla Newbie, I’m sure you are going to ask “What the hell is SaaS? Why is it a good start for me?” And I assure that you will be interested in the things I’m about to say, just as many of my clients were before.

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  42408 Hits

Take full control of your Twitter profile with Hootsuite Dashboard

Take full control of your Twitter profile with Hootsuite Dashboard

"TweetDeck, CoTweet, Seesmic… Which Social Media Dashboard should I choose?" If you are a Twitter user and want to manage your account efficiently, this question might not seem strange to you. Even so, this question cannot be answered easily since each program has its own advantages. We did research on popular Social Media Dashboards, finally choosing HootSuite because of its rich, easy–to–use yet powerful managing features. Let's see how the software can help you follow Joomla!...

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  91115 Hits

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