More than 30 gems for Joomla 4 I can't live without


I am always very happy to pay Developers for Joomla Extensions because they deserve it.

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  3800 Hits

Page Builders for Joomla - Balbooa Gridbox


In Joomla, you can create all kinds of pages by using the built-in menus and modules, and the template for the layout. But what if you want a little more flexibility? What if you want different layouts for different pages, and you don’t have the technical skills to dive into overrides, HTML and CSS? In that case a Page Builder can help you do the trick.

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  3450 Hits

A facelift for the Forum Post Assistant


Over a decade ago, a developer volunteering in the Joomla! Security Forum launched a suite of tools (Joomla Tools Suite) to help Joomlers diagnose issues with hosting, the installation and other matters associated with Joomla! Part of this suite was what is now known as the Forum Post Assistant or FPA.

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  2553 Hits

JFBConnect: Let's do more with Social Networks

JFBConnect: Let's do more with Social Networks

Social media is HOT these days… or at least that’s what people say. So let’s have a look at JFBConnect and review whether the extension does the trick integrating social media into Joomla without using too many API’s.

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  18010 Hits

How to Choose an Extension? Part 1: Selection Steps

How to Choose an Extension? Part 1: Selection Steps

Newbie or oldtimer? We all sometimes have issues finding the correct extension for the site we're building. Sometimes it's a piece of cake, sometimes you could bash up your workstation and yell at the client, "Why, whyyy?". Nevertheless, extensions are the builldingblocks to better and more powerful Joomla sites. Let's look at some pointers or guidelines about how to choose an extension.

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  23710 Hits

Team EaSE Article: Passwords - Don't walk in front of a Bus!

Team EaSE Article: Passwords - Don't walk in front of a Bus!

Team EaSE discuss passwords in general and stress how important password construction and safety are to the overall security of your website and backups.

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  31043 Hits

Backup Now! - You know you should!

Backup Now! - You know you should!

In Joomla! we are exceedingly lucky with the quality of extensions provided to make backing up your site easy - just a few parameters and the job is done. In this article Team EaSE shows you three free backup extensions, one plugin and two components.

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  54134 Hits

Team EaSE Article: Holiday Fun!

Team EaSE Article: Holiday Fun!

In six issues, we at Team EaSE hope we've introduced to you some of the enormous potential of Joomla! and its extensions — the power, flexibility and creativity that the world's best CMS can unleash. Over that time, we've tried to dissolve the jargon into meaningful terms, simplify difficult technical topics and give you a sense of the fun we have using Joomla! to build websites and web applications.

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  17208 Hits

e-Commerce for Joomla! Part Two

Today, there are many choices available that allow site builders to quickly configure products, display small product catalogues and enable customers to easily add products to a shopping cart. In most cases, these solutions hand off payment processing to a service like PayPal or Google Checkout. For many, this limited processing is all that is needed and the simplicity translates to much appreciated ease of use. This month, Team EaSE takes a look at five easy-to-use options that will help you quickly offer eCommerce on your Joomla! web site.

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  83573 Hits

Team EaSE Article: Image SEO

Team EaSE Article: Image SEO

Team EaSE Article: Maximizing SEO Possibilities for your Images

You’ve heard it before: Content is king. To elaborate, the unique content on your website is very important for your Search Engine Optimization because it differentiates your site from all the others. That unique content is not just the text in your articles, it also can and should be the images associated with it. In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate methods for boosting your image SEO, both with proven and experimental methods.

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  62369 Hits

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