3 key open source challenges in developing countries


Open source faces many struggles in developing countries that make how it's perceived and its associations inaccurate and out of touch.

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Web Analytics: Alternative to Google Analytics? Matomo


Are you looking for a secure, private way to analyse your visitors and check what they are doing on your site? Then Matomo might just be the product for you. In this article, I will explore this analytics tool and discuss what it is good at and why you would want to use it.

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It’s not about the money


Unlike other open-source CMS projects, Joomla is fully volunteer-driven. This means there’s no large company behind it and no corporate interests to take into account. We have a genuinely non-profit organisation, Open Source Matters, facilitating the project by providing financial, legal and organisational support. Every penny Joomla gets from partnerships and sponsors goes directly into the project, and no one contributing to Joomla gets paid. So why do we do it?

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  3708 Hits

Making Software Wood


Software, the programs whereby a computer and the internet functions, has become one of the most used commodities since the advent of computers and the internet. Every electronic device runs on software. It is software that makes these things useful and smart to us. It is now more than ever necessary for software to be licensed in such a way that it will be as versatile and as free as wood in the hand of the user.

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