Australian Joomla enthusiasts last gathered in person for JoomlaDay Australia in August 2019 in Brisbane, Queensland. Plans were afoot for JoomlaDay in Melbourne in 2020, but— Well, we know how that year and the following panned out!
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I discovered Joomla in 2008 when a web developer recommended I use it to replace a static HTML website I'd built for my not-for-profit dog training club. "Joomla's super easy to use," he enthused, adding, "after the initial 'WHAT THE!?' shock."
4476 Hits
In 2001, I had a bright idea. I'd combine my love of writing with my software skills and create a writers' website, a place where writers could share and showcase their work, readers would enjoy a wide range of writing, and publishers could unearth new talent.
2988 Hits
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