How to implement Google Tag Manager Environments with Joomla templates

How to implement Google Tag Manager Environments with Joomla templates

A problem we have faced in our Joomla development work has been ensuring that the correct Google Tag Manager environment code is being deployed with the right environments - for example in our development environments we need to deploy the container code from GTM related to the dev environment, but in production, we need the live container code.

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  20204 Hits

Google Shopping - How It Works & Why You Should Check Your Feeds Before 15 September

Google Shopping - How It Works & Why You Should Check Your Feeds Before 15 September

Google Shopping allows Ecommerce stores to embed their products directly within the search experience of the largest search engine in the world.  Many Ecommerce stores rely on Google Shopping to drive sales.  If you are not yet using Google Shopping, this article will explain what it is and how you could start using it. For those who are using Google Shopping feeds, in September 2015, Google is making some changes to its taxonomies which may require you to update your Google Shopping feeds.  These changes must be made by 15th September, so if you're running a Joomla! website with an Ecommerce store and you rely on Google Shopping feeds, make sure you check your feeds! 

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  12844 Hits

Revealing Joomla’s SEO Secrets - Redirect Manager (com_redirect)

Revealing Joomla’s SEO Secrets - Redirect Manager (com_redirect)

One of the hidden gems which appeared with the 1.6 version of Joomla is the Redirect Manager - a simple system which allows you to identify and fix broken links. Before the Redirect Manager was introduced, the only way to find and fix broken URLs was to use a third party extension, an SEO scraper such as Screaming Frog, or looking in your server logs. Now it's possible to identify and manage broken links within the administrator panel of your Joomla website.

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  244403 Hits

Notable Technical Women Card Decks

Notable Technical Women Card Decks

Last October, Sarah Watz and I represented Joomla at the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing at Phoenix, Arizona.  A few booths down from our position was Duke University, which was launching a Kickstarter campaign to create a card deck and poster showcasing notable women in computing throughout the ages, it was fully funded within days, eventually closing at $15,010, 500% of its target. The card decks were also sent out to over 500 educators from around the world - people backing the project could opt for a 'get one, give one' option which sent a pack to an educator in additon to them receiving their own pack - and the project has continued to grow, now including daughter projects featuring upcoming leaders in the Middle East & Africa.

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  10256 Hits

Joomla! on Lanyrd

Joomla! on Lanyrd

Organising an event can be quite a difficult process – finding a venue, getting listed on, organising sponsors and more. The Joomla! project has made one step that little bit easier  finding and inviting speakers from within the Joomla Leadership Teams to attend your events  with their new Lanyrd Team.

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  11972 Hits

Roundup from JUG Corner - August 2014

Roundup from JUG Corner - August 2014

With 175 user groups around the world, there is always something exciting and interesting happening in the Joomla! Community! This is a monthly round-up highlighting new Joomla! User Groups, events, and reviews of JUG meetings. If you have anything you would like me to feature from your Joomla User Group please send me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You must be writing from a registered Joomla! User Group (i.e. listed at

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  11119 Hits

Roundup from JUG Corner - July 2014

Roundup from JUG Corner - July 2014

With 175 user groups around the world, there is always something exciting and interesting happening in the Joomla! Community! This is a monthly round-up highlighting new Joomla! User Groups, events, and reviews of JUG meetings. If you have anything you would like me to feature from your Joomla User Group please send me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You must be writing from a registered Joomla! User Group (i.e. listed at

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  13139 Hits

Roundup from JUG Corner - June 2014

Roundup from JUG Corner - June 2014

With 172 user groups around the world, there is always something exciting and interesting happening in the Joomla! Community! This is a monthly round-up highlighting new Joomla! User Groups, events, and reviews of JUG meetings. If you have anything you would like me to feature from your Joomla User Group please send me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You must be writing from a registered Joomla! User Group (i.e. listed at

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  10420 Hits

European Community Leadership Summit – Berlin, Germany

European Community Leadership Summit – Berlin, Germany

Building on the great success of the collaborative approach at CMS Africa, Ben van t'Ende – Community Manager at Typo3 – set about organising a European Community Leadership Summit to bring together community leaders and managers from all kinds of projects around Europe to share knowledge, ideas and inspiration.

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  13030 Hits

Roundup from JUG Corner - May 2014

Roundup from JUG Corner - May 2014

With 169 user groups around the world, there is always something exciting and interesting happening in the Joomla! Community! This is a monthly round-up highlighting new Joomla! User Groups, events, and reviews of JUG meetings. If you have anything you would like me to feature from your Joomla User Group please send me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You must be writing from a registered Joomla! User Group (i.e. listed at

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  11981 Hits

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