Roundup from JUG Corner - August 2014
With 175 user groups around the world, there is always something exciting and interesting happening in the Joomla! Community! This is a monthly round-up highlighting new Joomla! User Groups, events, and reviews of JUG meetings. If you have anything you would like me to feature from your Joomla User Group please send me an email at
Welcome to a new team member!
We are delighted to welcome Jennifer Gress to the Joomla User Group team. Jenn co-organises the Bay Area Joomla User Group in the San Francisco Bay Area and has worked with Joomla since 2006. Jenn also co-authored Using Joomla!, Second Edition for O’Reilly Media, Inc. in 2004. Currently involved with the Trademark Team and Update Working Group, we look forward to drawing on Jenn's experiences to help within the JUG team.
What's happening?
August is traditionally a quiet month, with many of us enjoying our summer vacations, however we have seen several events running:
- Joomla Developers Conference (Chicago, USA)
- JoomlaDay Chicago (Chicago, USA)
There have also been several Joomla User Group meetings - thank you to everybody who emailed me your write-up!
Joomla User Group Bay Area
Joomla User Group Bay Area ran a workshop on updating your Joomla site to 3.x including updating 3rd party extensions. The workshop was held at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA so they had a long lunch and got to check out the museum as well! Attendees brought their own sites along and the group worked together to migrate all the sites that came 'to the table' during the day.
{gallery}/media/jw_sigpro/users/0000000576/Joomla User Group Bay Area - August 2014{/gallery}
Joomla User Group Chicago Loop
Dennis Kmetz writes to say that the Chicago Loop group have recently started a different approach to their meetings involving more hands-on features. This month they started to set up a development environment to create their own community-sourced extension, and began planning for the migration of their own Joomla website.
Joomla User Group Hamburg
Frank Deventhal reports that JUG Hamburg held some 'self help' sessions, inspired by the 'think bigger' project, which aimed to help newcomers to Joomla get started. Several beginners from these sessions are now regular attendees at the JUG meetings. Other sessions have focused on migrating to Joomla 3, and using social plugins to drive interaction.
{gallery}/media/jw_sigpro/users/0000000576/JUG Hamburg August 2014{/gallery}
Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project
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