JoomlaDay Minnesota and the Hope for a Local Joomla! Community

JoomlaDay Minnesota and the Hope for a Local Joomla! Community

Imagine a large city with no active Joomla user group and only a handful of publicly visible Joomla users. How did its first JoomlaDay attract over 100 attendees? Will this ignite a new local community of Joomla enthusiasts?

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  15590 Hits

Channels, Chunks, and the Death of the "Web Page"

Channels, Chunks, and the Death of the "Web Page"

What are some of the thought-leaders in content strategy saying this year? If they are right, what might this imply for Joomla?

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  19127 Hits

Core Features I Want from the Components I Choose

Core Features I Want from the Components I Choose

The “core” components provide several valuable features like tags, versioning, and ACL settings per category. These features are available for integration and use in third-party components, but too often these components ignore them. Here is a list of the ”core” features I look for when I evaluate components. Think about them, and you might find that you want them, too.

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  19857 Hits

Why Universities Should Consider Joomla

Why Universities Should Consider Joomla

If I were to return to university teaching, I would select Joomla as a web platform for student assignments. Here’s why...

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  25057 Hits

Introducing the 'Client' Template

Introducing the 'Client' Template

If your clients want a simpler backend to their websites, don’t log them in to an 'admin' template – serve them a 'client' template.

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  33800 Hits

Adding Access Control through Overrides

Adding Access Control through Overrides

What if the component you want to use does not implement the ACL features you need to have? One approach is to add access control through Joomla's output overrides.

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  400278 Hits

Implementing Role-Based ACL

Implementing Role-Based ACL

A role represents the permissions and access needed to do a task. Once roles have been set-up, one can intuitively assign, aggregate, transfer, and share these roles among CMS users. Here is a straight-forward approach to implementing roles in Joomla.

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  103438 Hits

A Case for Role-Based ACL

A Case for Role-Based ACL

If your client has more than one person maintaining the site, you should consider providing role-based ACL. What is "role-based" ACL and why should you use it instead of the 1.5 approach of ACL?

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  44220 Hits

Customizing the Admin Menu

Customizing the Admin Menu

Give your clients a backend menu that is tailored for them. Here’s how.

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  312056 Hits

Customizing an Extension's Edit Screen

Customizing an Extension's Edit Screen

Clients grumble too often about a hard-to-use CMS.  The problem, often, is delivering to clients edit screens that are unchanged from how they come out-of-the-box.  We can do better. In this example we’ll be tailoring a complex edit screen into something streamlined for a particular client.  The technique shown here can be applied to any extension and for any client with specific needs.

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  25440 Hits

By accepting you will be accessing a service provided by a third-party external to