A new visual language for Joomla 4

A new visual language for Joomla 4

The Joomla World Conference 2017 in Rome was a great moment to discuss the future of the project, which... surprise… will, for the most part, have a big "Joomla 4" stamp on it. In the context of the conference, I was invited to participate in the Marketing Sprint, kicking it off with a full day of meeting with the leaders and members responsible for the launch of the Joomla 4 marketing campaign. Together we brainstormed and discussed ideas, reviewed predictions and adjusted expectations to better fit realistic goals.


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Joomla! La parola ai designers: Carlotta Silvestrini

Joomla! La parola ai designers: Carlotta Silvestrini

Molti developers hanno elogiato le qualità di Joomla, definendolo uno dei migliori CMS sul mercato per la sua grande flessibilità e potente architettura. Ma cosa significa lavorare con Joomla! come designer? Quali sono le sfide che imponiamo a questa potente piattaforma? Quali i limiti che impone alla nostra creatività? Carlotta Silvestrini , autrice de Il Manuale del Perfetto Web Designer con Joomla!, risponde alle mie domande a nome dei milioni di designer sparsi nel mondo alle prese con Joomla.

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What do Italy and Mexico Have in Common?

What do Italy and Mexico Have in Common?

Everything started a few months ago when I posted this question on my Facebook profile page. It was amazing how many people answered my post. But, really, what do Italy and Mexico have in common? Reading this article, you will realize that they share much more than just the colours of their flags!

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Connecting Billions, Inspired by Millions

Connecting Billions, Inspired by Millions

Just a few weeks ago, our OSM president, Sarah Watz and Community Leader, Ruth Cheesley, came back from one incredible experience, the Grace Hopper Conference. The Joomla! booth was approached by many students and young women interested in learning more about our Community and Project. But what does it really mean for our brand to get involved in such a big conference? What is the real take-away for our Community?

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  15159 Hits

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