Joomla Events Team - 2019 Report


Joomla Events Team started the year with a very small budget of $15,000 and so we had to put some measure to ensure that we could support only the event that really needed support. We tried to engage the organizers to know for certain they needed financial support. One of the important things we emphasized was that organizers had to submit a financial report first before they could qualify for the fund support.

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Kigali Hosts the Sixth CMS Africa Summit

Kigali Hosts the Sixth CMS Africa Summit

Kigali went live last week as it hosted the sixth edition of the CMS Africa summit. CMS Africa is an organisation that champions the use of technology (open source) to change the way we develop economies. The Summit brings together both global and Africa-based speakers and delegates. It is a premier event that host tech business owners, tech innovators, and experts in the area of web & mobile design, e-commerce solutions, online business, and online exchange. In terms of delegate attendance, the summit attracts web & mobile designers, bloggers, e-commerce & online stores builders.

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  4306 Hits

Joomla! On Community Leadership.

Joomla! On Community Leadership.

Jab17 was an opportunity for several of our newly-elected members of OSM's leadership to meet with the Joomlers who were attending the conference in Krakow, Poland, for a drink a chat and brainstorming. 

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  15112 Hits

A chilly Joomla! Day in Arusha.

A chilly Joomla! Day in Arusha.


Welcome to Arusha, the town so calm, so beautiful, so welcoming. You should come here if you can afford it. Endless queues of tourist are arriving here in their numbers....You wonder why, but when you are here, everything makes sense, makes peace. Driving in Arusha I can see how a large, sprawling city with all of the contradictions that brings, it is, the best place to be. The traffic police standing on the street in their white uniform, very white my friend asked how they wash it, they keep it white, just like new.



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  9086 Hits

Fighting the Dragon

Fighting the Dragon

Long time ago the people of Krakow, Poland had to confront a dragon that was disturbing them. Today, we are faced with different kind of Dragons, in our work, community, family and friendship circles, sometimes we live with them and sometimes we fight them. When it becomes difficult for us to servive with them, we use every method and ways of getting them our of our lives, so that we may be productive again and enjoy life.

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#JWC15 - The African Way

If you are reading this article, you would be pleased to know that am alive. I have just returned from Joomla World Conference 2015. My journey took me through some of the world’s busiest Airports – Abu Dhabi (AUH) and Mumbai (BOM) formerly known as Bombay International.

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  6314 Hits

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