Quarterly Highlights from Open Source Matters


Get a brief overview of OSM happenings from the current board president.

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Quarterly Highlights from Open Source Matters


Get a brief overview of OSM happenings from the current board president. 

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  1339 Hits

Visualising Data with Google Looker Studio, formerly Data Studio


Looker studio is a free data visualisation tool provided by Google. Tell your data story using pie charts, bar charts, paginated tables and more...

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  1996 Hits

Google Analytics GA4 Reporting...


Last month we looked at GA4 events and how GA4 collects data. This month we're going to look at how GA4 reports data, the standard reports and how we can customise those reports…

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  2050 Hits

GA4 Events and More!


Last month we looked into the setup of GA4; this article will do a quick recap on the way GA4 collects data and a deep dive into GA4 events.

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Automated Testing Team - 2019 Report


The last year saw quite some activity in the area of automated tests for Joomla.

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CMS Maintenance Team - 2019 Report


The CMS Maintenance Team is responsible for reviewing all patches submitted to the Joomla! CMS, merging patches into the code base, and ensuring that the high standards of Joomla are maintained at all times.

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CMS Release Team - 2019 Report


The CMS Release Team has continued to test all the Joomla releases.

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Core Translation Team - 2019 Report


The Joomla Core Translation Team continuously strives to provide an up-to-date translation of core Joomla into various languages.

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Google Summer of Code Team - 2019 Review


The Joomla GSoC team participated in GSoC 2019 program for the 12th time and had a total of 4 projects out of which 3 projects were successful and being worked on still for Joomla 4.x versions.

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