Joe (aka JoeJoomla) is from Canada. Former Open Source Matters board member and currently actively involved as a team member of JoomlaDay USA.

JoomlaDay USA 2024: Nashville Live & Virtual Event!


The fourth annual JoomlaDayUSA is almost here! JoomlaDayUSA 2024 marks only the second occasion of the event being hosted in person. In the friendly Joomlasphere, this event stands out with its unique blend of in-person and virtual components.

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  466 Hits

J and Beyond, My First Experience

J and Beyond, My First Experience

My first experience at a J and Beyond conference was extraordinary. It was full of surprises and satisfying beyond expectations. Perhaps you should go to one.

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Friendly Advice For Your Joomla! Adventure

Friendly Advice For Your Joomla! Adventure
I wandered into the Joomla! community shortly after the fork of Mambo to Joomla! in 2005. I had no idea what Joomla! was. At the time, I was involved in a huge web-based enterprise project and wondered if something like Joomla! might be an alternative, or even compliment parts of an enterprise system. The commercial system we were building was really expensive. Joomla! on the other hand, had a lot of what the enterprise system didn't have right out of the box. I'd investigated other open source website systems and bulletin boards but when I stepped into the Joomla! community I knew I'd found something special.
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  41853 Hits

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