Pizza has gone - Bugs and Fun remain


The Pizza bugs and Fun event in February 2024 is over, Pizza is eaten and most likely digested, but Bugs and Fun persist. You might have caught the bug testing and enjoy the feeling of marking a test as successful. When one of your tests is crucial for the merging of a PR or prevents a catastrophe - how cool is that? 
However, as a non-developer, you might not know how to continue the PR testing on your own, so here are some hints.

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  515 Hits

It Started With A Glitch - How I Helped Improve The Joomla Core


Not every feature works the first time we use it on a website, but sometimes there really is an issue that cannot be fixed by changing settings. This is the story of how my "glitch" became a code change in the Joomla Core.

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  343 Hits

PBF 2023: Celebrating Collaboration, Innovation, and Community


After a three-year hiatus, the Pizza, Bugs, and Fun (PBF) event, the epitome of community collaboration and bug squashing made a welcome comeback, embodying the vibrant spirit of the Joomla community. 

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  380 Hits

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