The Joomla project shows very clearly how quickly web technologies have developed and how they bring with them a multitude of challenges that developers have to overcome today.
Open source faces many struggles in developing countries that make how it's perceived and its associations inaccurate and out of touch.
Last month, I wrote about creating a healthier community and touched on healthy communication. Let's explore a little more about what that means, and how we can find balance and communicate with kindness and honesty.
Users don't want to feel locked into what a software platform provides. Open source comes to the rescue! Open source software means that the source code for that software is publicly available to be used and modified within the developer community. This type of software promotes collaboration, transparency, and mutual benefits.
Software, the programs whereby a computer and the internet functions, has become one of the most used commodities since the advent of computers and the internet. Every electronic device runs on software. It is software that makes these things useful and smart to us. It is now more than ever necessary for software to be licensed in such a way that it will be as versatile and as free as wood in the hand of the user.
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