Explore the Core - Workflows

Joomla 4 Basics for Newbies: Workflows

As you probably know, Joomla is super complete right out of the box, so you can use it for different types of websites without the need to install extensions. That means you have a lot of possibilities, right at your fingertips. But how to use them? The JCM’s Explore the Core series explains all the cool core features. In this episode, Chris Keen shines a light on the workflow feature that takes ‘content management’ to a whole new level.

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Leadership Interviews: Radek Suski


Radek has been building Joomla extensions for more than ten years and has also given presentations and talks at various local (German and Polish) as well as at international Joomla events.

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Leadership interviews: Brian Mitchell


After attending the Joomla World Conference at Harvard University in 2013, Brian began volunteering for Joomla. He was involved as a member and then team leader of the Joomla Resources Directory (JRD) until 2019.

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