Leadership Interviews: Benjamin Trenkle and Harald Leithner


This month we're thrilled to include a double interview with the newly elected Joomla Department Coordinators: Benjamin Trenkle and Harald Leither. The aim of these interviews is to let the Community know a bit more about the Project Leadership and their plans for the future of Joomla.

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  33307 Hits

Meet a Joomler: Anja de Crom


This month we had the chance to interview one of the most active authors of the Community Magazine, the one who has always a nice idea about new series to produce and a serial interviewer: Anja de Crom, our Co-Editor.

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  31497 Hits

My favourite Joomla 4 feature - Extendibility (Søren Beck Jensen)


Yes, we all love the Joomla core and all the possibilities that come with it. But for Søren Beck Jensen, the beauty of Joomla lies in the extendibility. Joomla follows a predictable development pattern, which makes it very suitable for complex projects that need custom (extensions) development. In this issue, Søren tells us how every core feature and functionality can be extended, and along the way provides us with some useful tips on how to do it.

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  31878 Hits

Meet the Team: JCM


Within the Joomla organization, quite a number of teams are working on all sorts of projects. We at the Joomla Community Magazine are really curious about what each team is doing, who’s in it, how they work together, what the people are like and how all of us can help them. What better way than asking them? And since there are so many teams, we thought we’d make a series out of this, starting with our own team: the JCM. So if you’re as curious as us: pleased to meet you!

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  31160 Hits

Leadership Interviews: David Opati Aswani


This month we are glad to interview David Opati Aswani. He is at his second term as the Events Department Coordinator, the department in Joomla that works with Joomlers across the globe to spread the word about the project through local events, groups, activities, seminars and much more.

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  1967 Hits

Meet a Joomler - Tobias Zulauf


Are you familiar with Joomla 3.10? At this time, for sure! Well, Tobias Zulauf is the release lead for the latest version of the Joomla 3 series. Tobias started collaborating in the German community ten years ago and became more and more involved with the project, currently participating in several production teams.

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  2221 Hits

Leadership Interviews: Nicola Galgano


This month we are happy to interview the newly elected Vice President of Open Source Matters, Nicola Galgano.

Nicola is a long term, passionated contributor from Italy, with a past in the Bug Squad and many hours spent on the Joomla Issue Tracker, squashing bugs and encouraging tests.

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  1903 Hits

Leadership Interviews: Robert Deutz

August-Robert Robert Deutz

Robert Deutz has been involved in the community for a long time, mostly in Production roles. He decided to run for president after a failed election, thinking it was a good idea to have someone relatively ‘fresh’ on the OSM board. In this interview done just a few days after he took up the role, we try to know a bit more about him and his ideas for Joomla.

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  2147 Hits

How I learned Joomla - Peter Martin


Peter Martin’s very first website was a one-pager. And no, not last year: in 1996! You could say he was way ahead of his time. Peter loves open source (he’s also an active member of the Linux community) and he likes working with Joomla because of its stability, flexibility, extensibility… and us, the community. He learned Joomla by getting his hands dirty and examining what goes on under the hood.

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  1669 Hits

16 year old Lena created her own website: “It was actually really fun to do!”


She's exactly the same age as Joomla. She had an Instagram account, and a shop on Etsy, but 16 year old Lena wanted more: her own website, with her own design and her own content, where she could show all the creative things she does. With a little help from her mother, she managed to get it up and running in just two weeks. They had a lot of fun creating it, and Lena was surprised about how easy it was to build a Joomla website: “I thought making a website was way more difficult.

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  2691 Hits

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