In this month's issue we have an interview with Andrew Barber. While perhaps not many people know of his volunteering work for Joomla, he really is helping the project a lot. Let's meet Andrew!
There are a lot of Joomlers who might not be know on a global scale but are active in more local activities. This somewhat goes for Stefanie who is now mostly active in the German speaking community, although she was also a member of an official Joomla team. Which one? Well, read this interview with Stefanie and you will find out!
This month we are thrilled to include a double interview with the new Joomla 4.3 release team: SD Williams and Olivier Buisard. The aim of these interviews is to let the Community know a bit more about the release leads and their plans for the future of Joomla 4.3.
Nadja Lamisch fell in love with Joomla 2.5 when she was looking for a CMS to build larger websites with. She joined a Joomla User Group, attended and co-organized JoomlaDays and felt very welcome in the community. When she was considering ways of doing more, she decided to run for Treasurer in the Board of Directors of Open Source Matters, Joomla’s supporting organization - and got elected. Read all about Nadja’s plans and ambitions!
If you are a long term Joomla user, you’ve probably noticed new features from time to time. Where do some of these features come from? Who develops them? Well, this is what the Joomla Enhancement Development Team is for! Team members often evolve from Google Summer of Code student to… read further and you will find out :)
The Joomla Experience Team is a new working group (and hopefully soon, an official Production team) intended to replace the former JUX team, which has sadly been inactive since 2017.
She didn’t like Joomla when she first came across it. Learning a new system in the middle of a pandemic while studying something else already was not very high on her fun list. But after Louise Hawkins dove into the documentation, took some training, discovered the Joomla User Group London and got help and support from the community on Facebook, she became more and more enthusiastic. Today she is Team Leader of the Joomla Marketing Team. Pleasure to meet you, Louise Hawkins!
What if there would be a completely free and open source, fully portable WAMP development stack, created with Joomla developers in mind? Guess what: there is! Two Joomlers are working on it. Troy Hall decided to create (or rather, fork) it, Jacob Waisner joined him in the project, and Bearsampp is now available for everyone to use. Find out what it is, who it is for and what you can do with it!
In the series Meet the team, this month we have an interview with the Joomla Accessibility Team. Accessibility is one of the highlighted features of Joomla 4, and the team is still working on updating and improving Joomla and its properties in the accessibility area.
If you have visited the online Joomla User Group London in the last year you perhaps might have heard and seen our next interviewee in action, Juian White. Julian is an expert in the accessibility area and how he became such will become clear in this interview.
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