I've a secret to share, but dont tell anyone


Are you a developer who needs to know when you can expect deprecated old functions, an administrator who may have new features to gem up on, or perhaps just nosy and wants to know when the next release is due? Then read on and get the inside knowledge.

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  781 Hits

Joomla 5, find out who is in the driving seat


Wait, what? Joomla 5? Surely that’s a typo?
It is not. You read correctly: Joomla 5 is on the horizon and due to land in October 2023. JCM has the pleasure to meet with Release Manager Harald Leithner, who is excited about all the improvements coming our way!

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  2789 Hits

Getting to know the team behind Joomla 4.4


What’s in store for Joomla 4.4? JCM meets the Release Managers, Allon Moritz and Martin Kopp. Let’s find out who they are and what they like most about Joomla 4!

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  1857 Hits

Joomla Production Teams goals for the next quarter


Have you ever wondered what goes on in departments? Or heard people within the community talk about ivory towers, them and us, hidden agendas and wondered if any of that was true? The reality is much more boring than a conspiracy theory. When volunteering, giving your time to write code, the part everyone hates is writing the documentation, and writing a forward plan (roadmap but less solid, aspirational) comes at the very bottom of the priority list!

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  28704 Hits

Joomla 5 is in the planning, meet the release leads


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. are the joint release leads for Joomla 5, now in the planning stage. I managed to ask them both for their ideas and views on the project at the end of a Production meeting. This joint venture is being undertaken by two very experienced developers. 

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  39382 Hits

The plans for Joomla 4.1


After the release of Joomla 4.0, I met online with Sigrid Gramlinger-Moser and Benjamin Trenkle to discuss the process and people behind the testing and production of Joomla 4.1, the next Joomla minor version.

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  9922 Hits

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