A Joomla Farewell to a Great Contributor

A Joomla Farewell to a Great Contributor

The Joomla Community Magazine teams are mourning the loss of our dear contributor, Manuel Rubio, who suffered a fatal fall last month. Manuel gave freely and selflessly of his time, his talent and his energy. Our hearts are broken. We will never forget him.

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  9065 Hits

Leadership Highlights June 2015

Leadership Highlights June 2015

Many of you are or will be returning from a great event in Prague, where besides meeting other community members, a lot of knowledge was shared.

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  26674 Hits

Last Chance to Upgrade from Joomla 2.5

Last Chance to Upgrade from Joomla 2.5

This is an important notice on the safety and updating our Joomla 2.5 sites. This text is dedicated to Manuel Rubio, a big enthusiast and contributor to Joomla, who died last May 15. I will always be grateful for the long conversations with him that gave me a broad view of what it means to work for the community, and that was reflected in my support, commitment and work towards the Mexico City JUG community. Rest in peace.

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  17423 Hits

Une approche simplifiée

Une approche simplifiée

Vous souvenez-vous de Mambo ? Et du template "rhuk-milkyway ? Prenez un site de belle taille qui semble gérable aux yeux des utilisateurs, mais en arrière plan se trouve un intranet gigantesque comprenant des centaines d'utilisateurs enregistrés et 6 versions de templates différents avec une multitude de gifs transparents, images ombrées, fichiers CSS et diaporamas Javascript encodés en dur. Je vous laisse imaginer... Ce n'est pas un travail aisé de faire des modifications et encore moins de passer à Joomla! 3.

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  7725 Hits

10 Reasons Why You Should Go to JoomlaDay Minnesota 2015

10 Reasons Why You Should Go to JoomlaDay Minnesota 2015

Are you, like many others online, having a hard time creating your online presence and building an audience? Are you searching for a new content management system? Are you a seasoned website developer looking to network? Luckily, there's a place that can help with all these situations and more. Free up some time in your schedule Saturday, July 18 and head to Minneapolis for JoomlaDay Minnesota.

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  7251 Hits

Why India? An Interview with Jon Neubauer about JWC15

Why India? An Interview with Jon Neubauer about JWC15

The Joomla World Conference is back for its 4th consecutive year, and we are proud to be hosted in Bangalore, known as the Silicon Valley of India. This is a big change from past years, so I sat down with the man behind the curtain to find out why. Here’s the interview with Jon Neubauer, leader of the JWC team and event organizer extraordinaire.

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  6615 Hits

Understanding Joomla! Core Content Features

Understanding Joomla! Core Content Features

Joomla! is a Content Management System (CMS) first and foremost, and a very sophisticated one at that. Joomla! offers so much flexibility and so many extensions, it can be easy to overlook basic core features that exist to help us manage and display our content.

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  17778 Hits

VEL Programming Volunteers Needed

The Joomla Vulnerable Extension List, is a public list published by Joomla.org of reported plugins, extensions, modules and/or templates from 3rd party developers that have known or resolved security issues with them.

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  7718 Hits

Calling all Joomla! 3 Migration Experts, Storytellers and Enthusiasts!

Calling all Joomla! 3 Migration Experts, Storytellers and Enthusiasts!

Pass your expert Migration knowledge on! Do you have expert Joomla! 3 Migration advice?  How about a great story on the client from hell and migration? Do you have some top tips scratched out on a post-it that you’d like to share? Are you a newbie Joomla! enthusiast with some basic knowledge you could  pass on to other newbie Joomlites?

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  7992 Hits

Призываем всех экспертов, авторов и энтузиастов по миграции на Joomla! 3

Призываем всех экспертов, авторов и энтузиастов по миграции на Joomla! 3

Передавайте свои экспертные знания по миграции дальше!

Обладаете экспертным советом по миграции на Joomla! 3? Как насчет какой-либо замечательной истории о клиенте из ада и миграции?

Может быть Вы набросали отличные заметки, которыми бы Вы хотели поделиться? Или может быть Вы - начинающий энтузиаст [системы] Joomla, [обладающий] некоторыми начальными знаниями, [которые] Вы могли бы передать другим новичкам Jooml-ятам?

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  8788 Hits

Joomla no FLISOL 2015

Joomla no FLISOL 2015

Aconteceu, em 25 de abril, o 11º Festival Latino Americano de Instalação de Software Livre - FLISOL. E, como não poderia deixar de ser, a comunidade brasileira de Joomla! estava presente.

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  8343 Hits

Free lynda.com Access at many US Public Libraries

Free lynda.com Access at many US Public Libraries

Lynda.com features some great Joomla training videos and now lyndaLibrary makes free access to lynda.com available at many US libraries.

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  10369 Hits



Hoy les quiero contar sobre un nuevo proyecto de y para la comunidad Joomla!

J!-over es un proyecto de overrides para Joomla. Acaba de nacer en Alemania y espera crecer y convertirse en una plataforma de intercambio de overrides.

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  5533 Hits

Joomla! é a solução perfeita

Joomla! é a solução perfeita

Espero que este artigo possa ajudar a ti e a mim tambem.

Eu trabalho com Joomla! já algum tempo, eu melhorei muito o meu conhecimento desdo Joomla 2.5.5, o tempo passou e arranjei um trabalho e mais tarde voltei para a faculdade.

Joomla! é, para mim, o melhor CMS, eu ja criei dois projectos pessoais graças a este CMS.

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  9535 Hits

To All Our Joomla! Volunteers

To All Our Joomla! Volunteers

May 1st is a holiday in many countries: labor day for some, and a flowery celebration of spring for others. In some places the date is marked by a big bonfire. Traditions are as numerous and varied as our global Joomla community is diverse. It seems like an auspicious date to reflect on the hard work that goes into the Joomla project in order for it to be productive, relevant, and grow.

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  8028 Hits

Leadership Highlights May 2015

Leadership Highlights May 2015

It’s been awhile since the last leadership update was published in the Joomla Community Magazine. But that certainly doesn’t mean nothing is happening in leadership... on the contrary.

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  7970 Hits

Joomla! Is the Perfect Solution

Joomla! Is the Perfect Solution

I hope this article can help both you and me. I have been working with Joomla! for some time now, and I've improved my knowledge of it since version 2.5.5. As time went by, I got a job and then went back to college. Joomla! is the best CMS in my opinion, and thanks to it I have already created two personal projects.

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  11544 Hits

Appel à tous les experts, narrateurs et passionnés de migration vers Joomla! 3

Appel à tous les experts, narrateurs et passionnés de migration vers Joomla! 3

Partagez vos connaissances en matière de migration ! Vous avez des conseils d'expert et souhaitez raconter vos expériences et astuces en matière de migration ? Vous êtes débutant passionné par Joomla! et souhaitez transmettre votre expérience et vos connaissances à d'autres néophites ?


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  6891 Hits

Uma Abordagem Mais Simples

Uma Abordagem Mais Simples

Lembra do Mambo? E do tema "rhuk-milkyway"? Pegue um site de bom tamanho que aos olhos do público parecia administrável, mas na verdade era um intranet gigante.

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  6803 Hits

ایجاد دایرکتوری و ساختار مطلب در جوملا

ایجاد دایرکتوری و ساختار مطلب در جوملا

چکیده: بسیاری از سیستم های مدیریت محتوا امکاناتی نظیر فیلد های سفارشی دارند و این امر موجب شده که گرایش کاربران به اینگونه سیستم ها بیشتر باشد. اما بسیاری از آنها قابلیت های نهفته ی افزونه های جوملا را ندیده اند.

جوملا در زمینه ی محتوا و دایرکتوری علی رغم تفکر سایر کاربران نه تنها ضعیف نبوده، بلکه در بعضی موارد قوی تر از سایر سیستم ها ظاهر شده است.

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  11554 Hits

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