How our JUG worked towards 7 new Aussie Joomla! Certified Administrators

How our JUG worked towards 7 new Aussie Joomla! Certified Administrators

On 28 March 2018, the Joomla! User Group Melbourne hosted the first ever Joomla! Certification exam in Melbourne, Australia. We ended up with 7 new Joomla! Administrators, from 8 people who chose to sit the exam (and the 8th who was quite new to Joomla wasn't far off and is keen to try again!). Our JUG went through a bit of a journey together to achieve an excellent overall result, which I thought was worth sharing.

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FeedBack from Administrator Certification Joomla! of the JoomlaDay of Marseille

FeedBack from Administrator Certification Joomla! of the JoomlaDay of Marseille

During the JoomlaDay Marseille on 12 and 13 May 2017, 11 participants tried to obtain their Joomla 3.x Administrator certification. The participants were all french-speaking people.

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  12751 Hits

Big Improvements in Joomla! Certification Program

Big Improvements in Joomla! Certification Program

The Joomla! Certification Program is now live and we had 4 exam sessions held since its launch on last September. The whole certification program was designed from scratch with so many processes involved such as creating and maintaining questions, managing test centres (known as Joomla! Learning Partners), creating a secure a platform to deliver the exam and others. First, four exam sessions revealed what are the steps need to be taken next!

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Joomla! Certification Project Status

On December 1st, 2012 a call was made by Sarah Watz for volunteers to help the Certification Program come alive. Since then several articles published and some demo sessions conducted at Joomla! events to make it happen. Over the time the certification team structure changed with new members on board and working actively for the past two years to make this happen. We are excited to announce the Joomla! Certification will be available from September 1st 2016.

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Joomla! Certification Program

Joomla! Certification Program

Most of you reading this will be very familiar with how volunteers contribute to the Joomla! project. It is sometimes hard and sometimes boring, waiting for results that cannot be achieved. This is what most of the Certification Team members have felt at least once in the last two and a half years while setting up the Joomla! Certification Program. I would like to thank all of you, contributing now to any of the Joomla! projects, and especially to those supporting the Certification Program, and to those for their past and future efforts.

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Joomla Certification - We Keep On Moving!

Joomla Certification - We Keep On Moving!

In this and an upcoming article, I would like to provide all the available information about the evolution of the Joomla Certification program, the actions performed so far, and a firsthand look by one of the team leaders at the future of this interesting project.


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En savoir plus sur la Certification Joomla!

En savoir plus sur la Certification Joomla!

Les travaux sur la certification progressent : c'est un projet dans lequel la présence des membres de la communauté Joomla! parlant espagnol est très importante ; un projet où sont représentés plus d'une douzaine de pays et de continents différents ; en résumé, un projet né de la fusion d'expériences diverses et qui marquera un avant et après dans la qualité des certifications d'un CMS.

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More About Joomla! Certification

More About Joomla! Certification

Working Progress on the Joomla Certifications: a project in which the presence of the members of the Joomla community who speak Spanish is very important; a project where there are more than a dozen countries and various continents; a project, in summary, that will be born from the fusion of experience so diverse and different, that it will mark a before and after in the quality of the certifications of a CMS.

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Interview of the Joomla! Certification Team

Interview of the Joomla! Certification Team

Those of you who read in English, have known for a few months now that there is a new initiative in place to create a Joomla certification program. This is a project in which the presence of Joomla! community members who speak Spanish is very important. It's a project being worked on by people from more than a dozen countries and several continents. It is born from the fusion of so many different experiences and marks a milestone in the creation of a quality CMS certification program for Joomla.

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Help the Joomla Certification Program Come Alive! - A Call for Volunteers

Help the Joomla Certification Program Come Alive! - A Call for Volunteers

We are really excited that the Joomla community chose certification as one of the major areas to focus on in the recent survey. The Joomla certification program will be a key factor in furthering the growth, development and success of Joomla.

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