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Creating Landing Pages with Joomla

Creating Landing Pages with Joomla

Landing Pages, essentially are any page a visitor enters a site. In Digital Marketing the term is used to describe a page with specific features, apart from the rest of the site. Its goal is to attract the visitor’s attention to engage in a desired action

Types of Landing Page

There are two basic types of Landing Pages: Click Through Landing Pages, and Lead Generation Landing Pages.

Click Through Landing Page

Its goal is to persuade the visitor to click through to another page. Usually it’s used for e-Commerce, where a product or service is described with enough data to incite the visitor to decide to make a purchase. As a result, there is a much higher chance of conversion.

Lead Generation Landing Page

Used to capture data, such as a name or e-mail, it allows to market and connect with prospects at a subsequent time. It contains a form and a description of what will be given in return for submitting personal data. There are many uses for this kind of page such as eBook promotion, webinar registration, free trials etc.

Why use a Landing Page

It helps to increase the conversion tax, the number of users who acquire the product or service offered.

When to use a Landing Page

When promoting new or specific products to different target audiences and there is a need for a special area in the site to achieve this goal. Or when there is need to offer a significant and unique experience to the visitor.

How to do it with Joomla

  1. A Joomla installation (of course);
  2. Create a specific category for the Landing Pages;
  3. Create a specific menu for Landing Page items;
  4. Create a module to retrieve the URLs of each Landing Page (this module shall not be published).

Click Through Landing Page

  1. Create an article with relevant information on the product/service offered;
  2. Create a menu item for the article;
  3. Remove all modules through the Module Manager, except those that are relevant for this page.

Lead Generation Landing Page

  1. Enable User Registration
    1. Users > Manage. Click on Options
    2. Allow User Registration: YES
  2. Create an article with and relevant information on the product/service offered;
  3. Create a menu item for the article;
  4. Create a form with the fields to collect the desired information. You can use extensions like ChronoForms or BreezingForms to achieve this goal. If you want to use the core registration form, you can use S5 Register Module by Shape5.
  5. Remove all modules through the Module Manager, except those that are relevant for this page.


There is not only one recipe to create Landing Pages. Create your first page, test it exhaustively and make improvements along the way. The more you practice, the more you learn new ways to do it better.

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