Raising the Bar

Raising the Bar

Sticking to a deadline can be a challenge in an Open Source project like Joomla! that is run entirely by volunteers. On the magazine, the first of the month is a deadline we cannot miss, and haven't in over three years. We launch on weekends, weekdays, birthdays, vacation days, even New Year's Day! But in order to keep bringing you all the Joomla news that's fit to print, we are  dusting off and adding definition to our submission guide…

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  19284 Hits

Time to Hit the Road Running!

Time to Hit the Road Running!

Summer is almost over and while it has been relaxing, it is time to pick up the pace and get back to reality! 

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  18215 Hits

Bio Feedback

Bio Feedback

In an effort to walk the thin line of balance between the for- and not-for-profit dynamics in our project, we recently made a change on the magazine limiting JCM author links in their bios. This debate is something Dianne and I face every day as Co-Lead Editors on the Joomla Community Magazine, and also as members of the board of Open Source Matters, Inc. (OSM). What is fair? What is proper? How can we know, and what do you think?

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  25064 Hits

Happy 3rd Birthday JCM!

Happy 3rd Birthday JCM!

In July of 2010 the first issue of the Joomla Community Magazine was launched. Three years, 1,100 articles, 4,400 comments and one multilingual site later, the JCM is still going strong!

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  21614 Hits

Joomla! World Conference 2013...

Joomla! World Conference 2013...

Greetings from the nippy and partly cloudy city of Noordwijkerhout, in The Netherlands where J and Beyond 2013 is currently underway. As always, JAB brings together a great group of website users, developers and designers for three days of networking, learning and fun... we will do the same at the Joomla! World Conference.

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  18979 Hits

Introducing the JCM/ES

Introducing the JCM/ES

Three men, two continents, one island and a common language. Through their hard work, today we welcome the first multilingual experience on joomla.org. Their story is Joomla at its very best...

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  45060 Hits

Listen Up!

Listen Up!

More and more leaders in the Joomla project have been talking about how important it is to listen. At JoomlaDay France last weekend, I had the opportunity to hear in person what people are thinking. It was an enriching experience for me, and sometimes surprising…

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  215608 Hits

Adventures in Joomla! Event Planning...

Adventures in Joomla! Event Planning...

It all started on a hot, summer day in August, an innocent lunch, a good idea, and off we went, diving headfirst into planning the first ever JoomlaDay Boston! You may see this as a bit of shameless plugging, and you are right, please join us! But with it, I hope to pass along a few good tips on event organizing.

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  91592 Hits

We Heart Joomla!

We Heart Joomla!

The Joomla Community Magazine is like a box of chocolates…

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  17958 Hits

There Are No Limits...

There Are No Limits...

As we begin the new year, here is something to think on... "If you always put limit[s] on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there – you must go beyond them." ~Bruce Lee

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  21911 Hits

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