This edition of the Joomla Community Magazine is dedicated to the volunteers who help to organize the various Joomla events and community groups all over the world.
It's April and the change of the season brings great news for the Joomla Community. In this article, we will highlight some points of interest for our readers. JaB'17 awardees have been announced, Joomla! 3.x series is coming to an end and Joomla! 3.7 Beta 4 has been released, bringing some great and cool new features.
March brings great and exciting news for the Joomla Community! The ballots are closed and we have the new Board of Directors. Also, we got the news that Joomla! has been selected for Google Summer of Code 2017!
The Joomla Community Magazine (JCM) cannot exist without Joomla community members freely sharing their knowledge and time.
A new year begins and I'd like to wish all our readers throughout the globe a Happy New Year! For Joomla, this year means news and changes that will bring the CMS to a whole new level.
November is coming and it brings the 5th Joomla World Conference in Vancouver. As always, a lot is being planned and this time the Joomla Community Magazine is dedicating this issue to the event.
These are times of change. The Joomla Community Magazine is moving forward. And to accomplish that, we needed to know the thoughts of the people who are part of this great community. In June we released the JCM Survey 2016. We got great feedback and some surprises. And now is the time to share these thoughts with everyone.
Hello, Community! You must be aware the Joomla Community Magazine is going through changes. For starters, this is the first issue published after the upgrade to version 3.6.x. And there is a lot more to come! For starters, we want to hear the voice of the Community to guide us in our next steps.
In July the birthday of the Joomla Community Magazine is celebrated. In 2016 JCM is turning 6! People from all the corners is invited to celebrate this date. Care to join us?
In the Joomla community, we make progress when we work together. At times we differ (and even strongly so) about the best path to take, but we share a goal of improving the Joomla CMS, for all level of users, from all cultures and nations.
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