2 minutes reading time (312 words)

Looking to the Future

Looking to the Future

New Year’s Day is a time for reflection on the past, and for looking ahead to the coming year, thinking about where we have come from, and where we want to go.

I spent time with my three siblings this holiday season projecting a huge jumble of family slides, some of them over 60 years old, onto a big retractable screen. We borrowed a slide projector and screen in order to view them to sort out what was worth keeping so they could be converted to a digital format that we can share and use.

It was so much fun reliving the moments we remembered and shared together, seeing our parents again, and recognizing old toys and the places where we lived and visited. We laughed a lot. I found myself wondering what outdated technology would bring our kids and grandchildren together to relive old times while adapting to progress and innovation.
One thing that will always be ahead of the technological curve is Joomla, thanks to our vibrant community and the hard work of the Production Leadership team. I spent a good part of December building a new Joomla website, and the things that required additional extensions and so much configuration just a couple of years ago, are a no-brainer today. I really appreciate the power of Joomla that just keeps getting better and better, enabling so many livelihoods, businesses and web solutions.
Jenn Gress has some good ideas this month for New Year’s Resolutions… how about making 2014 a year when you give something back to the project by joining the Certification Working Group, attending a JUG meeting in your area, or writing an article for the Joomla Community Magazine?
Happy New Year everyone! Thanks for reading and supporting the magazine through your comments and feedback. Wishing you all a very Joomla! 2014!!!


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