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Celebrate the First Year of the Spanish JCM!

Celebrate the First Year of the Spanish JCM!

One year ago today the Spanish Joomla Community Magazine launched its first issue. Twelve issues and 225 articles later, it is still going strong. Join us in celebrating this first birthday milestone!

It took a dedicated team of editors and programmers to get the magazine website configured with the core multilungual functionality of Joomla, outfitted with a translation tool to translate all the static pages, and supplied with a lineup of articles from the Spanish-speaking community to get the magazine off the ground.

Launching was a big job, and thanks to their work, adding future languages will be much easier. But a successful magazine takes a team coming back month after month, encouraging contributions from the community, and then editing them and preparing the site for a new issue each first day of the month. It is a lot of work, and it is on-going.

The Spanish team is an inspiration to the English magazine and all future languages to come. Currently the French team, you may have noticed, is churning out quite a few articles every month, and we are hopeful that a French flag may be added soon to the multilingual offering.

In an article this month, Manuel Rubio, a “founder” of the Spanish magazine, expresses his gratitude to all who continue to make this effort possible:

In the first place, we want to thank everyone who has worked on this magazine, making it possible, since it was critical to have this quality and diversity.

We are aware that this collaboration requires a double effort. On the one hand, the end of each month comes quickly, and submitting your item requires devoting time and effort to the magazine rather than to family and friends. Secondly, as a new magazine, it takes time for readership to grow, and authors cannot know if many people will access their articles. So we are doubly grateful for all contributions received by the Hispanic Joomla Community Magazine.

In order to see who has contributed their effort, enthusiasm, experience and many other things to this project, you must read the articles to know who they are. What is important, and what really matters is the community, and in this case, the Joomla Hispanic community. Thanks to all of you!

For contributing articles, and for commenting. We encourage you to make the effort to contribute a little more :-D

Feel free to leave a comment below to send a birthday wish or encouragement to the Spanish magazine team, or submit an article in Spanish. Questions about getting involved? Write to us in This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

¡Feliz cumpleaños Magazine de la Comunidad de Joomla! en español, de todos los miembros del equipo de la JCM, del proyecto y de la comundad global de Joomla!

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

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