I recently had the pleasure of attending the Community Leadership Summit, lead by Jono Bacon and held in Portland, Oregon on July 18-20. I was joined by Sander Potjer (Joomla Community Leadership Team) and David Hurley (Joomla Production Leadership Team and Joomla's Community Manager). This was my first conference that was not a Joomla event, and it was also my first "unconference".
What do the World Cup and Joomla have in common? They bring together people on every continent, focusing all their attention and energy on one objective. The 2014 ball design even reminds me of the Joomla logo. As many of us cheer our home teams, and those of our friends, let’s take a look at a new goal coming up on the Joomla Community Magazine…
During the recent Joomla Leadership Summit held on May 27-29, the leadership team was asked to come up with three reasons for "Why am I supporting Joomla, that much?"
One year ago today the Spanish Joomla Community Magazine launched its first issue. Twelve issues and 225 articles later, it is still going strong. Join us in celebrating this first birthday milestone!
The Joomla Community Magazine will be four years old in a few months. Since the beginning, this unique and popular communication channel, where the community is the primary contributor, has grown and matured. It’s an on-going process, and today we’d like to mention a few recent changes, and thank some of the people who are making it possible.
These have been busy days in our community, the like of which has rarely been seen before. Twitter has been burning with feedback accompanied by the Joomla! hashtag, and that's fine. It is good to see the community actively involved, even on issues that generate passionate discussions. We are all members of the same community.
New Year’s Day is a time for reflection on the past, and for looking ahead to the coming year, thinking about where we have come from, and where we want to go.
The second annual Joomla! World Conference was held November 8-10, 2013 at Harvard University in Boston, Massachusetts. People came from around the world to attend. The weather cooperated and a great time was had by all!
Have you got your tickets yet? This is the Joomla! conference you don't want to miss! We kick it off on Thursday, November 7th with our J!Party Pre-event... there are not many tickets left for that (space is limited!) Can't make it for the whole weekend? Join us on Friday for Business Day! The best thing is to be there for all the action, with all the Joomlers, all weekend!
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