They’re taking over the web world: ICONS


They are everywhere, they are coming as fonts, sprites and SVGs. They have different forms and outlines. They can be super helpful - if you respect some rules for usability and accessibility.

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  201 Hits

Pizza has gone - Bugs and Fun remain


The Pizza bugs and Fun event in February 2024 is over, Pizza is eaten and most likely digested, but Bugs and Fun persist. You might have caught the bug testing and enjoy the feeling of marking a test as successful. When one of your tests is crucial for the merging of a PR or prevents a catastrophe - how cool is that? 
However, as a non-developer, you might not know how to continue the PR testing on your own, so here are some hints.

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  534 Hits

Joomla is Yours: create user avatars in the Backend Template Atum


Not only the sites you produce with Joomla – but also the Backend where you and your customers develop and maintain the site can and should be yours. With a few hacks, you can make it even more yours.

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  1775 Hits

Rock the house! 10 Golden tips for a successful Joomla presentation


We’ve all seen them, at JoomlaDays or at Joomla User Group meetings: the people giving talks and presentations, making it look like it’s super easy. What is their secret, and can you learn to present with flair and confidence? Read more and find out!

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  957 Hits

Explore the core! Give your site a comfortable navigation


Open any website - where do you look first? In most cases you will first see a beautiful photo or graphic and with the next glance you will look for a menu with links to more pages.

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  31574 Hits

Explore the Core - Create articles on your Joomla 4 website


Once your Joomla website is installed, you’re ready to create your first content. Joomla has countless possibilities to make beautiful articles and a lot of ways to present your content. This is great if you know how to use them, but can be a bit overwhelming if you don’t. This article shows you how to add your first article and guides you through some of the possibilities you have.

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  33567 Hits

Explore the core! Structure your Content with Categories


Guess what’s the most important on your website? A beautiful template? Wrong! Nice colours and barrier-free? Wrong! Good SEO URLs? Wrong again!

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  3906 Hits

Explore the core! Create your pages with Menus


In our Explore-the-Core-series, experienced Joomlers explain the basic features of Joomla. In this article Christiane Maier-Stadtherr dives deeper into menus, menu-items and the things you can do with menus.

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  4243 Hits

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