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Wrap Up from the Joomla Extension Directory Blog

Wrap Up from the Joomla Extension Directory Blog

With so much information coming from the various Joomla teams, it can be hard to stay on top of all the latest awesomeness. To make your lives a little easier, the Joomla Magazine Team and the Joomla Extension Directory Team are working together to share more information via existing channels.

Unable to Install Extensions

There are several different reasons an extension might not be able to be installed. Most of the reasons usually involve the hosting environment that is set up to support your Joomla application.

Overrides: the easy way to customize (almost) everything

Do you want to change the print icons for your articles?
Your template doesn’t match your design expectations?
Do you think tags should look like real tags?
If you asked any of those questions, or even better you have similar concerns about the look of your site, this tutorial is for you.

JED Team Summit

The JED Team held a summit over the Joomla and Beyond 2015 conference. Here's a summary of what happened...

Why you should build emotional websites

If you really like a website, I almost bet you the reason is because you enjoy the experience. Besides if it's useful, much better!
That being said, can you mention your favorite sites and why?
If you are not sure what I’m talking about, I’ll give you a few examples so you can apply a similar pattern in your own projects.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

Cómo utilizar gulp en el desarrollo de plantillas


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