4 minutes reading time (776 words)

Is This Love That I’m Feeling?

Is This Love That I’m Feeling?

Back when Joomla was released I started to benefit from its features. My career took a new turn and I can say that my life changed because of Joomla. For sometime I thought I was in Love with Joomla. Only recently have I understood what that feeling really is.

Everytime I solve a problem in a project powered by Joomla, I have this feeling of fulfillment. I feel glad I'm using it, that it holds a solution for my needs. For many years I reckoned that as Love. But it didn't quite feel like actual Love. What was it then?

Recently, Joomla has undergone some major changes in its leadership structure. Some agree, some don't, many don't have an opinion on the subject. There were lots of discussions over social networks full of passionate comments and remarks. The Joomla Leadership had in their hands a very important situation to handle: the future of Joomla. There were questions. There were opinions. There were a lot of things.

As a member of the community and volunteer for the Joomla Project, I chose to observe. As the story unfolded, I tried to understand different points of view.

I confess I got somewhat scared. I was concerned I was watching the doom of Joomla. At some point though, I realized there was something pushing the Joomla Community forward or binding us together.

I started to wonder if the Project came to halt? What if everyone left the boat? I realized I cared. And at the same time I wondered if I was fool to do so. I want Joomla to keep being developed! But, does the global community want the same? Does it care?

After the voting was over and the results were in, some decided to leave, others remained, and new people arrived. Things are moving. It seems my fears have not come true.

Now we, the Joomla Community as a whole, have a path ahead of us. Where will it lead?

Every now and then I do a recap of my life since I was introduced to Joomla and how my life has changed because of it. In the end, what I say is Thank You!

Because of Joomla I found a new path to (re)build my career over the past 10 years. Because of Joomla, I got to visit places and meet some great people that probably I would have not otherwise. Because of Joomla, my professional skills improved in ways that I never thought they would. Because of Joomla, I improved the services I could provide to my clients. Because of Joomla, I found a whole new world.

THANK YOU, Joomla Creators, Programmers, Developers, Volunteers, Extension Developers everyone who keeps the Joomla Project alive.

This is Gratitude.

According to Robert A. Emmons, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis, Gratitude has two key components: an affirmation of goodness and the acknowledgment that the source of this goodness is outside of ourselves.

For me, contributing to the Joomla Project is the affirmation of goodness. And I acknowledge the Joomla comunity as the source of goodness outside of myself. Acknowledging what Joomla has done for me is the reason why I could not stop being concerned or caring. I have gained a lot over the past 10 years.

The Joomla Community, as a whole, still has to face difficulties of today and tomorrow. But there is still room to dream, to hope, to grow. We still can share and trade experiences with one another.

I suggest you practice your gratitude, even in the midst of adversity.

Why Practice Gratitude?

  • it brings happiness
  • it reduces anxiety and depression
  • it is good for our bodies
  • it makes you sleep better
  • it makes you more resiliant
  • it strenghtens your relationships
  • it promotes forgiveness
  • it makes you "pay forward"
  • it makes you feel more connected to the community

How to Cultivate your Joomla Gratitude?

  1. Keep a gratitude journal to record Joomla related subjects you're grateful for every day or week. Write about a new way you found to solve a problem with Joomla.
  2. Write a gratitude letter to a person in your life. Write to a member of the community who helped you or taught you new things about Joomla.
  3. Savor the good in your life. Share with others good things that happened to you since you started using Joomla.
  4. Teach gratitude. Share the first three itens of this list with members of the Joomla Community.

Gratitude is the feeling I believe to push forward the Joomla Community.

If you feel that way too, please share this article in your social networks.

Let the world know you have #JoomlaGratitude.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

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