JET Now Open for JWC15!
When you're a JET, you're a JET, all the way from your first cigarette, to.... the Joomla World Conference!!
The JET Team is now taking applications for the Joomla! World Conference
The Joomla! Event Traveller Programme (JET) is pleased to announce that we will be taking applications from the worldwide Joomla community for the upcoming Joomla! World Conference, to be held on November 6-8, 2015 in Bangalore, India.
We all know that the best way to get to know Joomla is in person, with lots of other Joomlers. The JWC team and JET have coordinated so that winners will be announced before the speaker submission cut-off date. If you are seleceted for a JET, and would like to make a presentation, and we do encourage sharing your Joomla knowledge, you will still have time to submit.
The deadline for applications is July 15. Apply today!
A few words from our JET-JAB15 recipients
Ana Barcellos (Brazil):
I couldn’t attend JAB15 without JET so I am very grateful and honored for being chosen. It was a fantastic experience, specially the knowledge that I got from speakers and attendees from many parts in the world. All that I learnt there is helping me to work for community and for JoomlaDay Brasil team. Words can't describe the feeling of meeting j!friends and sharing good moments with them. Thank you for the cookies, fellows! :)
Andrea Kekán García (Colombia):
Attending JAB15 was one of the most amazing experiences in my life. It was great to see how avatars become people and how nice they are. Hanging out with a lot of Joomla community members allowed me to learn, understand, share knowledge and to give back to Joomla as well. Every talk was a new opportunity to advance as a designer and also to understand how that knowledge can be applied to promote Joomla in Colombia and to make it even bigger around the world. Finally, I didn't just meet some friends from the Spanish community, now I have Joomla friends from all over the world, because that's what Joomla is: the people. Thanks JET!
Anja Hage (The Netherlands):
I'm Anja Hage from The Netherlands and I'm an active contributor of the Joomla! project. Among others, for seven years I'm one of the organizers of the Dutch JoomlaDays, active in local JUG's and Pizza, Bugs & Fun. A member of Joomla Bug Squad and recently a member of the Certification Program Team. During the Dutch JoomlaDays I'm often busy with other things and I can only follow a few presentations. That's one reason I like to go to JandBeyond to learn new skills, but also to meet new people, Joomla friends and team members from different parts of the world I only meet online.
During JAB I learned new things that I can apply for my own business, but also use it to learn some things for participants during my Joomla trainings. I've been inspired to introduce more new users to Joomla. And I've met team members Andre and Patrick for the first time. We have worked together during the 'Make it Happen' sessions for the Joomla Certification Program. It was my fourth time that I have attended a well organized JandBeyond, this year in the beautiful city of Prague. Thank you so much Joomla! Event Traveller programme and its organizing team for giving me this opportunity to participate!
Alison Meeks (Canada):
To say it was an experience of a lifetime hardly covers it. The opportunity to go to such an event was only a dream and financially way out of my snack bracket. The rally of support to get me there from the JET team to my own friends was overwhelming. Technically, if diligent, I could have watched the videos from home. But seeing the presentations live and being able to converse with other attendees and the presenters about what was learned takes it to the next level.
Being able to participate in Make it Happen was a wonderful experience and being in the jury group for the JOscars was amazing. But the gift of meeting so many of the JCommunity that I normally only ever see on Facebook was it for me. It is said that our virtual friends aren't real but truly there were some that I felt I have known for years. I came to the event having never met any of the attendees in person and feel I left with lifelong friends. The JGift!
Ariadne Pinheiro (Brazil):
My first reaction to seeing the email of the beloved (and admired) Dianne Henning, saying that I had been selected to go to jab 2015 in Prague, was screaming! A scream of happiness, and obviously scared everyone in the office! I immediately called my husband and, with tears of happiness and laughter (with a bit stuttering and trembling!), I gave him the news. To me, it was a recognition of all the volunteer work that I perform in Brazil and for the Brazilian community for almost five years, and these three years officially as the translation of Joomla core into pt-br and moderator of the official pt-br forum.
Going to the event was a huge honor and a privilege that I'ill be eternally grateful for. Personally meeting developers who I admire (really!) as Brian Teeman and Radek Suski, and fantastic people like Javier Gomez and Roland Dalmuder, interacting with Joomlers from all over the world, recognizing people whom I knew only through Facebook and/or Twitter, and making new friends was the best gift I could want and have won this year. Thank You. Thank you for this passionate community, which undoubtedly, isn't in any other place (within the FOSS or not). <3
Brian A. Peat (USA):
I was overjoyed when I got picked for the JET. I wasn’t planning on attending JAB15 due to lack of finances, but a friend in the community suggested I apply and I got it. The trip was amazing, as was getting to see Prague (even for just a few hours). The conference was very informative and I really got a sense of the community (as much as an introvert can!). We were encouraged to talk and eat meals with people we didn’t know, so I forced myself to do a bit of that. Overall it was a great experience and I’d highly recommend anyone wishing to attend a conference like this, but lacking in the funds to be able to do it, to apply for JET for the next conference. Thanks!
Cliff Pfeifer (USA):
I am truly grateful to have had the experience of attending JAB15 as part of the JET program. I had never attended JAB before, or travelled overseas, and it was a dream come true. The conference was amazing. All of the keynote speakers and presentations were incredible, the sponsors were informative and generous, and it was insightful to speak with developers that make products I use every day.
The Joomla community is a family and I had to fight back tears when it was time to say goodbye. It was great to reconnect with people I met at JWC14 and I made many new friends from all over the world. It was the trip of a lifetime and I would not have been able to go without assistance from JET. I can never express enough gratitude to Joomla and JET for the opportunity.
Crystal Harris (USA):
I always thought attending conferences was all about the learning you gain from sessions. And that's not wrong – I brought many things home from the sessions at JAB15 that I was able to work into my day-to-day right away. For me, though, the true value comes from connecting with the community. I don't mean the social events, although those are fun. I mean really getting to know the people who make it happen in Joomla, and having the opportunity to work side-by-side with these same people for an evening.
For me, the best part of JAB was working with people face-to-face when I had only ever 'met' them online in Glip or the forums. There's an incomparable connection you make when you roll up your sleeves with a person and dive into a project together. I'm very grateful to JET for the opportunity to "Make it Happen" at JAB15!
Luck Martinez (Mexico):
JAB15 has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Since I knew I had been selected for the JET team, the dream began. The big bunch of new knowledges, meeting a lot of incredible new friends from every where and the experience to travel to a city that has been taken from a fairy tale, have been a real dream. My sincere thanks to JET and all those who make this event possible. I reaffirm my commitment with the community and with the Joomla project. See you at JAB16!
Mike Demopoulos (USA):
I was honored to be selected by the JET team to be able to attend JAB. The connections with the supporters of Joomla have already helped bridge connections I have only ever had online before. I have been able to connect and learn from people that I have not met before at JoomlaDays or the Joomla World Conference. Being able to meet those connections in person really show the human side of Joomla. A side I know we forget when we only communicate online.
Shirat Goldstein (Israel):
JAB15 was the most amazing experience I had ever, more than three days, with people I've only known by name and skype identity. The virtual became a reality. There is no replacement to meeting people face-to-face, especially when those are people I work with for the Joomla! project daily. Everything was organized perfectly, from the great sessions I attended, to the social gathering and the Make it Happen session that really did make things happen this year.
I want to say a special thank you to the JET team for giving me the opportunity to attend this event, and to the JAB team that made my life as a religious Jewish woman coming to an event over the weekend so much easier. We have an amazing community with amazing people, and I really look forward to continue contributing to the Joomla! project.
Wim Marynes (Belgium):
I have learned so many things from the sessions and and missed none off the one I wanted to attend but most of all, the new Joomla people I met there makes it unforgettable to me. The food was great, and I will never forget this year’s J-FACTOR ‘HalleJoomla’ (cover of Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen by Søren Beck Jensen).
During Make it Happen, I joined the ‘JUG Directory Redesign’ team and worked with them there and in the future. This resulted also in getting involved with the JUG-team. As I’m already a member of the Events Team, I thought it would be great to be part of the JUG-team also. There are many links from JUG to EVENTS team and it's my goal to learn more and get more experience to help people setup thier user group and/or event. Joining these great teams is such a gift for me.
Thanks to the JET this year I could make it happen for me also :) . I visited the city of Prague with lot of Joomlers and the fun we had there will never leave my mind. Of course there was also BEER and lots of it :) I can’t say this enough... JET team, you realize wonderful things in Joomla people’s lives, I can’t thank you enough. Keep up this great work you all deliver.
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