Una impresionante paleta de recursos gráficos

Una  impresionante paleta de recursos gráficos

Dicen, una imagen dice más que mil palabras. Cada vez que escribimos un artículo o una entrada del blog sentimos el deseo de tener una imagen perfecta que acompañe nuestras palabras. Pero, ¿dónde las encontramos, es bueno utilizarlas?. Nos alejamos del sentido real de nuestras palabras pensando en la imagen ideal que las acompañará. Este artículo introduce una colección única de "impresionantes recursos gráficos ". Olvídate de los blogs con entradas anunciando los 10, 20, 50 mejores recursos gráficos gratuitos y libres. Aquí encontrarás una gran entrada para la búsqueda de efectos visuales y sonidos gratuitos y libres.



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  2563 Hits

Joomla! para novatos

Joomla! para novatos

Si has llegado hasta aquí después de haber leído el título, déjame decirte que has llegado al lugar indicado para conocer Joomla! y comenzar a usarlo como un profesional. No te prometo que hoy terminarás tu primer sitio web, pero sí que será el inicio de tu mejor experiencia.

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  3233 Hits

GSoC Student: Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe

GSoC Student: Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe

More than an opportunity to find new talents for Joomla! and improve the software, Google Summe of Code, or simply put GSoC, is a big reunion of open source lovers to share, learn, teach and have fun. In 2016,year we had siz excellent student projects that were accepted by Google to be part of this program designed to encourage university student participation in open source software development. Joomla Community Magazine invited Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe to talk about his experience.

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  9907 Hits

The brains behind the Joomla! GSoC projects

The brains behind the Joomla! GSoC projects

We have been sharing monthly with JCM readers the step by step of the exciting Google Summer of Code journey. Now that you already know about the developed projects and students feedback, it is time to listen to a very important group: our mentors - the brains behind the projects. 

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  9184 Hits

From the Venue: Sean Antonson

From the Venue: Sean Antonson

The Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre sits in the heart of vibrant Vancouver. Everything the city offers is within walking distance. Many restaurants, shopping, Stanley Park and the iconic Seawall are all a short stroll from the hotel. In 2016 the Wall Centre completed a full renovation to each and every guestroom. We talked to Sean Antonson, who works at the venue, to find more about what it has to offer to attendees who chose to stay there.

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  9406 Hits

JCM presents The JWC Issue

JCM presents The JWC Issue

November is coming and it brings the 5th Joomla World Conference in Vancouver. As always, a lot is being planned and this time the Joomla Community Magazine is dedicating this issue to the event. 

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  10316 Hits

Sucuri: Dre Armeda

Sucuri: Dre Armeda

Sponsors are the greatest partners that help Joomla World Conference be a reality. Teamwork is important and we stand together with a common goal in mind - to have a successful event. The Joomla Community Magazine invited our main sponsor to answer some questions. We would like to introduce you to Dre Armeda, co-founder of Sucuri Inc. and let our readers know a little bit more about the company and what they expect by sponsoring and attending this great gathering.

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  9497 Hits

10 причин не пропустить международную конференцию JWC 2016

Международная конференция "Joomla! World Conference 2016" [упоминаемая далее в тексте сокращенно как JWC 2016] в этом ноябре приходит в Северную Америку и, как всегда, это событие будет замечательным. [Хотите приехать, но еще не решили?] Разрешите нам помочь выбрать ее. Ниже следуют десять убедительных причин, по которым Вы не пожелаете пропустить конференцию "JWC 2016".ключевое выступление на jwc2015

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  12322 Hits

JWC 16 Tailgating at HostingCon Europe

JWC 16 Tailgating at HostingCon Europe

You know about tailgating, right? Before a big football game or another event, the fans gather and celebrate their mutual love for the team, sport, or shared activity. In fact, it is what many people attend sporting events for: to experience the excitement and connections they get with hanging out with people of similar interests.

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  5867 Hits

JWC Team: TJ Baker

JWC Team: TJ Baker

TJ Baker is leading the Team that is organising Joomla World Conference 2016. We talked to him to know a little bit more about those who are working to make another great event become a reality. According to him, all team members pitch in wherever and whenever needed regardless of their role. That is especially true once they get to the venue for the event, when "all hands on deck" are required for a successful outcome.

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  9007 Hits

Keynote Speaker: Eric Kuan

Keynote Speaker: Eric Kuan

Eric Kuan works at Google on helping and educating webmasters on how they can create great websites. JCM interviewed him to find what he has in store for us in his upcoming keynote presentation at Joomla World Conference 2016.

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  7562 Hits

JWC Alumni: Ana Barcellos

JWC Alumni: Ana Barcellos

Attending Joomla World Conference is usually a life-changing experience. We talked to Ana Barcellos, from Brazil, about thoughts and feeling on the event and how much she has been affected afterwards.

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  6949 Hits

From JoomlaDay Denver To The Joomla! World Conference

From JoomlaDay Denver To The Joomla! World Conference

Joomla! is shining bright in the North American spotlight this season. The first JoomlaDay Denver took place on October 1st 2016, and the Joomla World Conference takes place in Vancouver November 11th-13th. The final months of 2016 have much to offer Joomla! users on this side of the world, and the close timing and proximity of these two events is creating a new buzz around Joomla in the USA and in Canada.

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  10480 Hits

Big Improvements in Joomla! Certification Program

Big Improvements in Joomla! Certification Program

The Joomla! Certification Program is now live and we had 4 exam sessions held since its launch on last September. The whole certification program was designed from scratch with so many processes involved such as creating and maintaining questions, managing test centres (known as Joomla! Learning Partners), creating a secure a platform to deliver the exam and others. First, four exam sessions revealed what are the steps need to be taken next!

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  8902 Hits

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