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JWC Alumni: Ana Barcellos

JWC Alumni: Ana Barcellos

Attending Joomla World Conference is usually a life-changing experience. We talked to Ana Barcellos, from Brazil, about thoughts and feeling on the event and how much she has been affected afterwards.

Which was your first Joomla World Conference?

The third Joomla World Conference in Cancun, Mexico, 2014

What motivated you to attend JWC?

When I attended JoomlaDay Brasil 2014 in São Paulo I met some joomlers from other countries. They told me a lot of good things about JWC and the international community. I got excited to go because of this.

What is your experience with Joomla?

Since 2012 I manage a Joomla! based Project in the intranet of the company I work for. It's a huge company (120+ thousand employees) and Joomla! sites are helping some departments to manage their activities. I do a little of everything: infrastructure (servers and application), backend, frontend, design, code, teaching etc.

Please, give us one or more examples of improvements on how you work with Joomla after attending JWC?

JWC changed completely my perception about Joomla!. I don't know how to explain that: it's kind of magic. Suddenly I became part of an international community and started to look at Joomla! from inside. Being part of local communities in our countries, being connected with people abroad through social media, read JCM, the Community Blog and all the news about Joomla! is amazing. But only in an international event like Joomla World Conference that we can really EXPERIENCE something that I call the J!Feeling - that magic I can't explain.

Which moments during the Conference impressed you the most?

It is hard to say since all the moments were awesome, but I can list some of them:

  • Javier and Tito speaking about the importance of internationalisation and its challenges was a lecture that really touched me and made me see things which I had never thought of before.
  • When I danced the samba on stage during my Ignite Session - I still don't know how I had such courage.
  • JRD Team working together.
  • Kinky and Coyote Loco - well if you don't know what I am talking about you should not miss the next JWC because there are things that attendees keep as a secret ;)

I understand you are planning to attend JWC 2016. What are your expectations for this year?

We live a time of changes in Joomla!. Some people have left (and I miss some of them) and new people are coming to the community.

There are so many new things to see and learn! Joomla!'s new leadership structure, Joomla! 4 is on its way, Joomla Certification Program etc. 

And, for me, the best part will be meeting some members and students of the GSoC Team there. We worked hard during this year, each one from our own country, and it will be awesome to share some moments with them - and of course to plan our activities for 2017!

Would you like to share some thoughts with those who have not yet decided to attend?

If you have the opportunity: make it!

I know it is a high investment for many of us (it was for me in my first time, too) but it is really worth it. More than learning (a lot!!) and making new friends, JWC opens the world in front of us: it is a mixture of cultures, languages, people from everywhere. It is a very rich professional and personal experience.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Anna Barcellos is an IT Analyst in a company from the financial segment. Post graduated in Entrepreneur Pedagogy and in Management of the Sustainable Regional Development. Assistant Leader in Joomla GSoC Team. But those things don't describe who she is. She says that her real bio is Ana Barcellos: mother, dreamer, a volunteer and a rebel.

Come meet Ana Barcellos and other great Joomlers in Vancouver. Buy your ticket now!


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