JCM presents The JWC Issue
November is coming and it brings the 5th Joomla World Conference in Vancouver. As always, a lot is being planned and this time the Joomla Community Magazine is dedicating this issue to the event.
We start off this issue with a perspective From JoomlaDay Denver To The Joomla! World Conference, by Cliff Pfeiffer who ran JoomlaDay Denver on Oct. 1st. Then we follow Mike Demopolous who is JWC 16 Tailgating at HostingCon Europe this week.
After that we present you the interviews of our keynote speakers: co-founder of Sucuri: Dre Armeda and Eric Kuan, from Google. Also we got an insider's point of view From the Venue: Sean Antonson, who is Regional Director of Sales and Marketing at the Sheraton and shares with us some tips on the venue.
Then we have an interview of one of our many JWC Alumni: Ana Barcellos talking about her previous experiences attending the conference. She also brings a GSoC Student: Ruchiranga Wickramasinghe to give us his perspective o being part of the Google Summer of Code and be at the event. Finally we have a representative of the JWC Team: TJ Baker telling us a little bit more about the team and what is in store for all of us Joomlers during the event.
Cliff Pfeiffer has also been interviewed to tell us about the upcoming Joomla! Administrator Certification Exam at JWC Vancouver, Canada. And Sam Suresh has shared with us the latest Big Improvements in Joomla! Certification Program.
And last but not least, Ana Barcellos authored a small report on the opinion of The brains behind the Joomla! GSoC projects.
Go ahead and start enjoying this very special issue!
We look forward to hearing your feedback!
Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project
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