What's new in Joomla 5.1?
The latest version of Joomla brings a number of interesting improvements and features for users and developers. Here's an overview of the main new features in Joomla 5.1!
TUF update:
Joomla 5.1 implements the TUF update program, which improves the security and reliability of updates.
Previously, this information was retrieved from an XML file hosted on the Joomla.org CDN. However, this left the project vulnerable to supply attacks, where an attacker could distribute malicious update packages. To remedy this, Joomla 5.1 incorporates 'The Update Framework' (TUF).
TUF verifies the authenticity of update files using digital signatures and trust mechanisms. This reinforces the security of the Joomla update process by preventing supply attacks (source: #42799)
Improved dark mode:
Dark mode has been significantly improved in Joomla 5.1, providing a more pleasant user experience (source: #42986).
Welcome guided tour:
This is a feature introduced in Joomla 5.1 to provide an enhanced experience for new users. This guided tour is designed to help users familiarise themselves with Joomla's interface and functionality from their first use.
When Joomla 5.1 is installed, the Welcome guided tour is automatically activated. This means that as soon as you log in and access the dashboard, the welcome tour begins.
When you upgrade to Joomla 5.1 from the previous version, the Welcome Tour does not start automatically. You will need to request it manually. If you wish to cancel the welcome tour once it has started, you can do so. This allows you to go straight on to using Joomla without following the guided tour.
Further developments are planned to improve this functionality in future versions of Joomla (source: #41659)
SEO improvements:
Joomla 5.1 adds a final slash behaviour and improves the behaviour of URLs with index.php, which contributes to better search engine optimisation (source: #42702).
SEF Plugin:
A note has been added to the global configuration indicating additional options in the SEF plugin, offering greater flexibility for URL management (source: #42832)
Improved accessibility:
The Jooa11y Accessibility Checker plugin has been updated with the latest Sa11y, which improves the accessibility of the Joomla site. This feature improves the accessibility of the Joomla site by updating the Jooa11y Accessibility Checker plugin with the latest version of Sa11y. This enables accessibility issues such as colour contrast problems, missing tags, etc. to be detected and corrected. (source: #42780)
Improvements to guided tours:
Guided tours have been enhanced with new features for managing required fields and support for checkboxes, radio buttons and selection lists.
Regex validation for fields:
Joomla 5.1 adds regex validation for fields, which allows better control of the data entered by users.
Support for schema.org:
Joomla 5.1 adds the schema.org generic type and the schema.org article type, which improves the semantics of content.
Improvements to the administration interface:
Joomla 5.1 replaces the modal bootstrap with a new dialogue box in the backend for various tasks, such as editing plugins and modules, editing multimedia content, etc.. .
Improvements to error pages (403 and 404):
Joomla 5.1 adds a module position in the main zone and better support in the Cassiopeia error page (the default joomla template).
Error management improvements:
Joomla 5.1 improves error management when writing files, which contributes to greater system stability.
Library updates:
Joomla 5.1 updates FontAwesome to version 6.5.1 and TinyMCE to version 6.8.3 .
Miscellaneous improvements:
Joomla 5.1 brings a number of other improvements, such as the removal of image attributes in HTML mails, the addition of support for sub-category levels in the contact category view, the addition of the "New post" button to the blog view, etc.. .
These features and enhancements make Joomla 5.1 a major release, offering an improved user experience, enhanced security and greater flexibility for developers. Joomla continues to evolve to meet the changing needs of its community of users and developers.
Translated from French Version: https://www.joomla.fr/joomla/actualites-joomla/quoi-de-neuf-dans-joomla-5-1.html
German translation: https://www.jug-zueri.ch/artikel/was-ist-neu-in-joomla-5-1
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Comments 1
I really like this new version compared to 5.0.3! It also seems "speedier".
I've been testing the beta and now the official one and I would like to thank everyone involved!
Just one note about the illustrations in this article, please either review them before using them, or use a human. Six fingers in one hand (or weird hands/proportions is not acceptable).