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JWC 16 Tailgating at HostingCon Europe

JWC 16 Tailgating at HostingCon Europe

You know about tailgating, right? Before a big football game or another event, the fans gather and celebrate their mutual love for the team, sport, or shared activity. In fact, it is what many people attend sporting events for: to experience the excitement and connections they get with hanging out with people of similar interests.

Have you ever thought about going to a Joomla! tailgate party? I know we do our famous Bug Squash Pizza, Bugs and Fun events, JoomlaDays, and Joomla! User Groups, and in a way, that is a form of tailgating. Many people from around the globe share our love of Joomla.

Well, the Joomla World Conference is coming to Vancouver next month, and we need to get ready. I am at JoomlaDay Denver as I write this article, and the energy for this upcoming JWC is contagious. Tailgate season for JWC has arrived.

You may remember that Joomla! was at HostingCon Global in New Orleans this summer and had an amazing experience connecting with people about Joomla. It was an amazing experience, and I wish you could have been there.

"As a Joomler, HostingCon provides insight on the landscape of current web services and trends. It's also the perfect place to network and get face time with our hosting partners." said Joomler Jason Nickerson.

However, what you may not know is Joomla! will be back at HostingCon this time for their Europen event. That's right; Joomla! will have a booth and be "tailgating" in excitement for the Joomla World Conference. We will also be sharing the Joomla! love with old and new users alike.

This year, HostingCon Europe will be held on October 11 and 12 in Amsterdam at the Amsterdam Passenger Terminal. Joomla! will have booth number 124, and we welcome you to come out and say "Hi."

All Access passes are priced at €100 and include all of the great sessions and networking events.

We had an amazing time at HostingCon Global and look forward to meeting you at HostingCon Europe and at the Joomla World Conference.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

10 причин не пропустить международную конференцию ...
JWC Team: TJ Baker


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