Duplicate Pages in Joomla: Causes, Most Common Errors, Solutions

Duplicate Pages in Joomla: Causes, Most Common Errors, Solutions

Everyone who has a Joomla website sooner or later faces the problem of duplicate pages. So let’s have a look at this problem from inside, we’ll sort out what duplicate pages are, how search engines react to them, and how to get rid of these evil twins.

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Série : développer une extension Joomla! 3.0 - Episode 4 : plus de fonctionnalités

Série : développer une extension Joomla! 3.0 - Episode 4 : plus de fonctionnalités

Depuis quelques mois maintenant, notre série sur le développement pour Joomla! 3.x progresse à un rythme régulier. À ce stade, vous devriez avoir une assez bonne compréhension des bases du développement d'extensions et j'espère que vous avez d'ores et déjà commencé l'écriture de votre propre code. Dans cet article, vous allez pouvoir approfondir vos connaissances en code par l'utilisation de Bootstrap dans le cadre de notre développement. N'oubliez pas de réviser vos connaissances actuelles en relisant les précédents articles de la série.

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  20461 Hits

Joomla 3. Що нового для розробників. Теоретична частина.

В першій частині я розповів про практичні аспекти створення та адаптації розширень для Joomla 3. Мабуть ви помітили, що в ній не було нічого принципово нового. Річ у тім, що Joomla 3 настільки нова, що навіть її вдудовані розширення працюють в режимі сумісності з Joomla 2.5. Цього разу мова піде про справді нове. Настільки нове, що поки що немає зразків, щоб подивитися, як же це використовувати на практиці.

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Interview with Dutch Joomla Leader Sander Potjer

Interview with Dutch Joomla Leader Sander Potjer

This month we had the opportunity to sit down with Sander Potjer. Sander's passion for Joomla! began back in 2005 when he designed and built a Joomla! web site for his rowing team. His involvement with the Joomla! community started in 2008 as co-founder of the local Dutch community www.joomlacommunity.eu.

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  15360 Hits

Meet The Joomla Global Sponsors

Meet The Joomla Global Sponsors

This month we asked our Joomla Global Platinum Sponsors some questions about what attracted them to the project as supporters at this level, and how they felt in regards to the project itself, the community, and the benefits of being a Joomla Sponsor. We also wanted to get to know them better and get a better understanding of how they are connected to Joomla, and learn more about the services they offer.


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Website Case Study: Building Multilingual Hotel Websites

Website Case Study: Building Multilingual Hotel Websites

The Portuguese islands of Madeira lie about 550 kilometres to the west of Morocco. We visit the tropical paradise to see why some of the world’s best hotels are attracting their guests with Joomla! websites.

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  28777 Hits

How to Choose an Extension? Part 1: Selection Steps

How to Choose an Extension? Part 1: Selection Steps

Newbie or oldtimer? We all sometimes have issues finding the correct extension for the site we're building. Sometimes it's a piece of cake, sometimes you could bash up your workstation and yell at the client, "Why, whyyy?". Nevertheless, extensions are the builldingblocks to better and more powerful Joomla sites. Let's look at some pointers or guidelines about how to choose an extension.

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  23695 Hits

Interview mit Mark Dexter über Joomla 3.1

Interview mit Mark Dexter über Joomla 3.1

Diesen Monat hatten wir die Gelegenheit, Mark Dexter zu treffen und mit ihm über die spannenden Einführung von Joomla! 3.1 zu sprechen. Es ging auch darum, was Mark alles macht im Projekt, über sein Privatleben und wie er mit Joomla! in Berührung gekommen ist.

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  11343 Hits

Easy Tips for Using Blogging as a Lead Nurturer

Easy Tips for Using Blogging as a Lead Nurturer

Blogging has many uses, the obvious to create great educational resources for people to consume. But if used correctly, you can blog in a way that can be used for lead generation. I’m not talking about the stage that attracts the visitor to your blog. No, I’m talking about the part that helps convert into a lead. It is an undeniably great tool due to the fact that you can potentially attract and convert a lead in one blog post. In order to avoid you thinking I’m crazy, I will provide you with some great tips for nurturing leads with your blog.  

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  20215 Hits

Joomla! World Conference 2013...

Joomla! World Conference 2013...

Greetings from the nippy and partly cloudy city of Noordwijkerhout, in The Netherlands where J and Beyond 2013 is currently underway. As always, JAB brings together a great group of website users, developers and designers for three days of networking, learning and fun... we will do the same at the Joomla! World Conference.

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  18956 Hits

Local User Group Celebrates 50th Anniversary With Joomla 3.1 Launch Party

Local User Group Celebrates 50th Anniversary With Joomla 3.1 Launch Party

OK, so maybe "party" isn’t the right word, but Joomla User Group (JUG) in Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA) met last Thursday for their 50th meeting.

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  20321 Hits

How to Create a Socially Friendly Website

How to Create a Socially Friendly Website

Social media is no longer just an option for companies looking to penetrate a tech savvy or youthful audience, it has become an irreplaceable tool utilized to market brands and ideas of every size, industry, and purpose. With this cultural shift towards accepting social media as an integral part of everyday life, and oftentimes everyday marketing, businesses are sometimes left wondering how to build a necessary bridge between their brand, website, and social presence. The process of creating what I'll refer to as a "socially friendly" website should not be considered a possibility to be explored, but instead must be understood as essential to a site's success in modern day marketing practices. In this article, I'd like to share a few tips which will lead every site you create (whether it's for your own business or a client) toward being socially engaging and positioned for success.

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  45142 Hits

How to Create a High Converting Landing Page

How to Create a High Converting Landing Page

There's a good chance that if you're a website owner or marketer you're already working hard to drive traffic to your website, however, this is only one piece of the puzzle. Once on your website, you must convert them on some type of offer. This is usually done on a landing page. In today's Joomla Community magazine whiteboard I'll explain some of the more important steps to creating a highly effective landing page. Enjoy and comment with ideas or questions.

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  46924 Hits

A Word from the Community

A Word from the Community

In June I will be in São Paulo, Brazil, the largest city in South America. During an event called The e-Show, I will be making a presentation about how the community is important to Joomla! I sent out a request for a video where people would state their names, occupation and proudly say: "I AM JOOMLA!". 

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  15410 Hits

Help the JCM Go Dutch!

Help the JCM Go Dutch!

In April 2013, Alice and I gave a keynote session about the Joomla Community Magazine at JoomlaDay Netherlands. We spoke about the internationalisation of the JCM and at that time were announcing the launch of the new Spanish section in the May issue. 

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  14153 Hits

Post your Haikus for June

Post your Haikus for June

Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.

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  28727 Hits

Houston, We Have a JoomlaDay!

Houston, We Have a JoomlaDay!

Even though this is the first annual JoomlaDay Houston, the line-up of speakers and keynotes is absolutely stellar and make it a must attend event!

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  14974 Hits

Leadership Highlights - June 2013

Leadership Highlights - June 2013

On the road.... Usually this headline can be found at the end of the article about what is going on in the Leadership Teams every month. However this month it will be on top, together with a great picture of 18 leadership team members from 10 different nationalities (Chile, Germany, Ireland, Israel, South Africa, Spain (2x), Sweden, The Netherlands (3x), UK (2x), US(5x)) who are present at the J and Beyond conference in the Netherlands.

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  13505 Hits

Training Your Clients with Video - Part 4

Training Your Clients with Video - Part 4

This is the fourth article in a four part series designed to help you create great video training and tutorials for your clients. In part one, I talked about five reasons for training clients with video. In part two, I discussed the tools you'll need, and the preparation you should make to create video tutorials for your clients as part of your site-building workflow. In part three, we talked about the actual "nuts and bolts" of creating these videos. In this article we're going to cover hosting, some thoughts on workflow and a few ways to make your videos stand out.

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