Local User Group Celebrates 50th Anniversary With Joomla 3.1 Launch Party
OK, so maybe "party" isn’t the right word, but Joomla User Group (JUG) in Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA) met last Thursday for their 50th meeting.
That’s right ... JUG Milwaukee has been meeting regularly for over four years and Thursday was the big five—O!
And as perhaps the best possible gift for a JUG, she received a crisp new version of Joomla — version 3.1 featuring a new system-wide tagging feature — as an anniversary gift.
Let's get this party started
To celebrate the anniversary and the launch of Joomla 3.1, we planned lots of fun activities.
First, we switched up our catered lunch from sandwiches to pizza....talk about crazy!
Then we had Cory Webb from Manos Crafted give a tutorial via video conference on LESS, the dynamic CSS programming language that is baked into Twitter Bootstrap and thus also in Joomla 3.
Our members really enjoyed the talk as they are getting more and more requests from their clients to be able to modify and compile LESS.
After Cory's talk, we rounded out the lunch-time meeting by indulging in a delicious cake, decorated of course with a Joomla-themed 'tags' logo.
We also provided Joomla 3.1 T-shirts for everyone (see photo above) and after donning the Joomla swag, had some fun with the camera.
How will you celebrate?
Have you had a Joomla 3.1 launch party in your Joomla community? If not, be sure to plan one ASAP so when Joomla 3.2 launches you can celebrate again :)
If you don't have an active Joomla User Group in your area, consider starting one. It's easier than you think and remember: Joomla releases a new version every six months and its a great reason to throw a party!
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