Help the JCM Go Dutch!
In April 2013, Alice and I gave a keynote session about the Joomla Community Magazine at JoomlaDay Netherlands. We spoke about the internationalisation of the JCM and at that time were announcing the launch of the new Spanish section in the May issue.
One of the attendees, Erik van Doorne, stood up and volunteered to help coordinate a new Dutch team. While at JAB13 we found some time to sit down and have a chat...
Erik, thank you for your time and finding a quiet corner here at JAB to talk with me... can you tell us a little bit about you and your background?
My company started as a sound recording and cd mastering company, but over the last +/- 8 years it has changed into a web developing company. I am self-taught in this area and have embraced Joomla as my primary and almost only CMS to build websites. I work with a small team of freelancers so we can offer a full range of services as well as cope with workload.
I am 46 years old, married with 4 kids and I like to make music in my little free time.
How did you get started with Joomla?
I got introduced to Mambo by one of my clients. One thing led to another....
Most Dutch folks I know are very fluent in English. Why do you feel that the Dutch community needs a section on the JCM?
In my experience, despite popular belief, a lot of people in the Netherlands are not really fluent in technical English and/or are not very comfortable reading large texts in English. Also, a Dutch JCM offers the possibility to tailor the news more to our local situation.
What sort of skills or talents are you looking for to start a new team?
I think we need writers who understand the art of explaining sometimes complicated technical issues into comprehendable. We also need writers who can bring to the attention what is going on in our country with relation to Joomla and webdesign/webdevelopment in general and point out what might be of interest to end-users.
When is your target date for the first issue?
I would like to think 1 July 2013 :) but maybe I am being optimistic?
How can people get in touch with you to join the Dutch team?
People can email me at
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