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Houston, We Have a JoomlaDay!

Houston, We Have a JoomlaDay!

Even though this is the first annual JoomlaDay Houston, the line-up of speakers and keynotes is absolutely stellar and make it a must attend event!

Paul Orwig will kick things off and David Hurley will wrap up the day with keynotes for all attendees. Between the keynotes, attendees can pick and choose from three sessions per hour in the Apollo, Challenger, and Discovery rooms. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and networking will be encouraged during those times. Speakers already in the line-up include Alan Hartless, Chad Windnagle, Cory Webb, Dianne Henning, Jeremy Wilken, Mike Carson, Nicole Ouellette, Robbie Adair, Rod Martin, and Trevor Hatfield. Full bios on the speakers and more information on the schedule can be found on the site - www.joomladayhouston.com.

Sponsors are just starting to come on board, so check back often to see the complete list. Each attendee will receive some pretty cool swag, so make sure to sign up today!

Earlybird Registration Open!

The registration is now open and offering discounted tickets for signing up early! Register yourself or a group here.

Microsoft has generously come onboard as our Venue Sponsor, so we will have a convenient location on the west side of Houston on Beltway 8. The venue is about equal distance from either major airport for all out-of-towners. We do want to point out that space is limited and do encourage all to register early. We will be posting special hotel pricing on the site soon.

Please visit the site for more details (www.joomladayhouston.com) and don’t forget to Like the Facebook Page (https://www.facebook.com/JoomlaDayHouston)!

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

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