J'ai le même problème...

J'ai le même problème...

Certains comportements rencontrés sur les forums, m'irritent au plus au point (l'âge sans doute ?) et le site forum.joomla.fr ne déroge pas à la règle. Aussi, quand je suis récemment tombé sur l'article écrit par Michael Russel pour Kunena, j'ai été ravi de trouver quelqu'un qui partageait mon sentiment et je me suis dit que ce serait dommage de ne pas en faire profiter tout le monde...

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  18478 Hits

Joomla! for Web Designers

Joomla! for Web Designers

There was a time when, as a web designer, you had to choose between a Content Management System (CMS) that would provide an up-to-date design or the right functionality for your website. Certain systems where known to be better at providing shopping cart solutions, other provided attractive and responsive blogging options, and then there was Joomla!, which gave developers room to continuously add functionality through its extensive extension directory.

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  14822 Hits

An Easy Way to Benchmark a Webserver

An Easy Way to Benchmark a Webserver

When developing new features, or when changing some settings, one must always ask, does the site perform slower or faster than before?

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  19930 Hits

Keep Calm and Write Test

Keep Calm and Write Test

In continuation with first post in series of three for the project “Framework Unit Testing”, in this one I will talk about unit testing specifically for php libraries. This post is mainly divided into two parts, one is for php unit testing and another on the project update. Feel free to skip any or all part(s).

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  10900 Hits

The Nasty Business of Passing Off

The Nasty Business of Passing Off

The GPL gives us some wonderful freedoms, including the ability to solve our own needs when it comes to adapting and reusing software. But with such power comes responsibility. I am reminded of the phrase, "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." And in this case, I am referring to selling software written by others as if it was your own.

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  12860 Hits

JoomlaDay Minnesota and the Hope for a Local Joomla! Community

JoomlaDay Minnesota and the Hope for a Local Joomla! Community

Imagine a large city with no active Joomla user group and only a handful of publicly visible Joomla users. How did its first JoomlaDay attract over 100 attendees? Will this ignite a new local community of Joomla enthusiasts?

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  15713 Hits

Upcoming Joomla! Events - August & September 2014

Upcoming Joomla! Events - August & September 2014

Joomla! Events scheduled in August and September circle the globe from India to the United States, Africa and Europe. Joomla! User Group (JUG) meetings and JoomlaDays are intended for everyone from casual users to core developers. The Joomla! Developer Conference, to be held in August, is intended for experienced developers and programmers interested in developing with the Joomla! CMS and Framework for the first time. Visit the Joomla! Events site to browse all events, submit an event or learn how to organize an event.

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  13043 Hits

Créer facilement son site avec Joomla! (partie 2)

Créer facilement son site avec Joomla! (partie 2)

Nous avons vu dans le premier article consacré à la création d'un site Joomla!, les principales étapes à suivre (avec quelques conseils, histoire de gagner du temps). En l'état, votre site est parfaitement opérationnel et prêt à accueillir vos futurs visiteurs. Cependant, vous aimeriez lui apporter des fonctions supplémentaires, le personnaliser, le sécuriser, etc. Pour cela, vous allez avoir besoin d'utiliser des extensions qui viendront se greffer à votre installation "native". Enfin, nous verrons les différents contrôles à effectuer avant la mise en ligne de votre site.


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  22829 Hits

Book Review: Using Joomla!

Book Review: Using Joomla!

Using Joomla! by Ron Severdia and Jennifer Gress is an excellent reference for anyone looking to build and maintain their own website using Joomla 3. The authors' use of practical advice and hands-on exercises takes the reader through the real-world process of building and optimizing a Joomla site.

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  10854 Hits

Project: JIssues Tracker Status Update

Hi everyone! How are things going? I'm Zehan Zhao, a JGSoC 2014 student. Here I am with the latest status update post on my ongoing project for JIssues tracker.

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  7239 Hits

Why Simple Structured Data (Microdata, RDFa) isn’t so Simple

Why Simple Structured Data (Microdata, RDFa) isn’t so Simple

This article will take a closer look at the problems and solutions related to Microdata and RDFa and why a simple problem isn't so simple.

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  19791 Hits

Introducing The Wheel (The Power of Collaboration)

Introducing The Wheel (The Power of Collaboration)

Looking back through history we can see those moments of inspiration and those ‘game-changing’ movements. We admire and respect the innovative leaders which blazed the trail and lead the way into the future. We admire them because we know it’s a difficult job. We admire them because at times they were scoffed and ridiculed their ideas were rejected and their sanity questioned. Yet they continued. They persevered and they saw what no one else saw. They saw the future. And they were overwhelmed with the burden to get us there.

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  11063 Hits

Le Tour d'Adresse du Développeur

Le Tour d'Adresse du Développeur

Se tenir en équilibre à la frontière entre vitesse et précision... La vie d'un développeur n'est pas simple. La plupart pensent que la vie d'un développeur est relativement sûre et ne comporte que peu de danger. Je vous assure que ce n'est tout simplement pas le cas. Le quotidien d'un développeur implique une routine complexe et souvent difficile que la plupart ne verront ou ne comprendront jamais. Un peu comme marcher sur un fil...

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  12451 Hits

Joomla Project and Product Marketing. One Can Not Exist Without the Other!

Joomla Project and Product Marketing. One Can Not Exist Without the Other!

Finding my way around the maze of - Product vs Project, Market vs Community, Marketing vs human resources (HR) in the awesome Community Driven Software that is Joomla! Come explore the world of Joomla Marketing with me!

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  16041 Hits

Video: David Hurley Becomes Joomla! 3.4 Release Leader

Video: David Hurley Becomes Joomla! 3.4 Release Leader

What is the outlook for Joomla 3.4 and beyond? Shorter and targeted release cycles, improved stability, no more STS/LTS, solving the Bootstrap challenge, and decoupling core extensions. In a video interview, David Hurley shares plans for achieving a new, lighter, and more stable Joomla core without breaking backwards compatibility.

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  15311 Hits

Joomla! Bug Sprint in Manchester

Joomla! Bug Sprint in Manchester

On the weekend of July 26th and 27th nine developers from around the world gathered in Manchester, UK to clean up Joomla's bug tracker. The project's bug tracker had grown unkempt, with hundreds of issues that were stagnant for a long time. Some issues were there for over a year. Moreover, the JoomlaCode issue tracker wasn’t really fit for the amount of growth Joomla had experienced since 2005. It was necessary to put the number of issues under control and move to an improved bug tracker and that was the goal of the Joomla! Bug Sprint.

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  15523 Hits

Joomla Day Cidade do México 2014

Joomla Day Cidade do México 2014

Essa foi a terceira vez que aconteceu o Joomla Day Cidade do México nos dias 17 e 18 de julho. O evento de dois dias foi organizado pela JUG Ciudade de México. Posso resumir assim o #JDayMX14: participativo, internacional e com muitas caras novas!

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  11143 Hits

Talking Joomla! at WordCamp?

Talking Joomla! at WordCamp?

For me, some of the more memorable moments of the 2013 Joomla! World Conference involved WordPress leaders being present at the event openly discussing both Joomla and WordPress and each project’s unique attributes. In my time contributing to the open source community, rarely had I seen “cross-talk” like this between projects, let alone those leading projects. After that event, my interest was peaked and one of my 2014 TODO’s was to not only attend a WordCamp, but also speak at it and share how our communities can learn from one another.

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  11383 Hits

Roundup from JUG Corner - July 2014

Roundup from JUG Corner - July 2014

With 175 user groups around the world, there is always something exciting and interesting happening in the Joomla! Community! This is a monthly round-up highlighting new Joomla! User Groups, events, and reviews of JUG meetings. If you have anything you would like me to feature from your Joomla User Group please send me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You must be writing from a registered Joomla! User Group (i.e. listed at https://community.joomla.org/user-groups.html).

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  13254 Hits

Putting the U in Community!

Putting the U in Community!

I recently had the pleasure of attending the Community Leadership Summit, lead by Jono Bacon and held in Portland, Oregon on July 18-20. I was joined by Sander Potjer (Joomla Community Leadership Team) and David Hurley (Joomla Production Leadership Team and Joomla's Community Manager). This was my first conference that was not a Joomla event, and it was also my first "unconference".

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  11742 Hits

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