JoomlaDayUSA 2023 - Texas and Beyond


JoomlaDayUSA, in its third year, was finally able to meet in person. The conference was held entirely virtual for the first two years - which was a challenge in and of itself. 2023's conference, held in Austin, Texas, was also attended worldwide in a hybrid format. This statement screams success to those who took an idea and brought it to life four years ago.

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Joomla at FOSS Backstage 2023: A Recap


FOSS Backstage is an annual conference in Berlin that is all about the behind-the-scenes work at open source projects, from community management to leadership. Robert Deutz, Sigrid Gramlinger, Jules Weigel, and I were lucky to attend on March 13th and 14th on behalf of Joomla. We all learned a lot from the diverse and engaging sessions, all of which were recorded and are freely available. Here are some of my top takeaways from the two days of learning and networking!

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How I grow with Joomla - Olivier Buisard


There are events, people, that illustrate the international and building side of Joomla.
Olivier Buisard of Simplifyyourweb grew up in France but his career path brought him closer to Open Source Matters' headquarters. Since then, he has lived in New York, but still has ties to his home country.

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Case Study - It is not even about Joomla, yet


When I say that a webpage speaks a lot about its owner, be it a company, a government agency, a project or a person, I am not talking about its contents and layout. I am referring to many things that become explicit when approaching the process of crafting a page for any of them.

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Community Events in Joomla Coming back to you!


After several long years of virtual-only or very few Joomla! Events, our community has come back strong! Our Joomla User Groups are getting back together both virtually and in person. Event committees have been collaborating to start again with Joomla Day events, Joomla Camp events, and other creative events. Some events are in person, others are virtual. We are in a new world where we can give each other hugs and collaborate from across the ponds! Let’s highlight three great events: one ongoing, two coming up.

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Me, Joomla & The Universe


The temperature was mild and sunny that February morning, despite being in Scotland. The dust from the fall of the Berlin Wall was still in the air and there I was, talking to Richard, the husband of the focalizer of a workshop that was taking place in Findhorn, the community I was visiting.

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Tribute to Marco Dings


In the past days the Joomla Community has been hitted by very sad news, Marco Dings, a beloved Joomla contributor passed away. 

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I create the website for my business for free with Joomla - Part 2


Welcome on this 2nd episode of I create the website for my business for free with Joomla where you will learn amazing and useful things to continue building your project.

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The Joomla Force is strong in Central Europe


The German-speaking Joomla community has always been well-connected - now the connection has been strengthened.

On September 23 and 24, the joint JoomlaDay DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) took place in Bad Hersfeld (Germany) and the feedback was extremely positive.

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Being part of a global community: where did my life go?


My association with Joomla has mostly been enjoyable: I’ve made some good friends… although I have my share of frenemies as well.  I’ve travelled the country and the world and I even have a photo memento of me giving Brian Teeman* a smooch on the cheek at J & Beyond in 2013. But above all, I’ve learned so much from the almost-daily contact I have with Joomlers everywhere whether they’re first-time newbies or whether they’re hard-core web evangelists. I wouldn’t have missed it for quids.

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