10 Reasons You Won't Want To Miss The 2016 Joomla! World Conference

10 Reasons You Won't Want To Miss The 2016 Joomla! World Conference

The Joomla! World Conference is coming to North America this November 11-13 in Vancouver, BC and it is going to be a fantastic event once again. Let us help make your conference choices a bit easier this fall.  Here are the top 10 reasons why you don't want to miss out on the 2016 Joomla! World Conference.

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L’Incontro di Joomla con Il Mondo Cattolico

L’Incontro di Joomla con Il Mondo Cattolico

Alcuni giorni fa ho avuto la grande opportunità di partecipare con L’associazione Joomla!Lombardia ed il Team di Web Advisor ad una giornata di lavoro con i missionari Saveriani, non vi nascondo l’emozione di portare il nostro amato CMS in un ambito così prestigioso,  con delegati ufficiali dello Stato Vaticano e Missionari provenienti da tutto il Mondo.

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Joomla! meets the Catholic World

Joomla! meets the Catholic World

A few days ago, with the Association Joomla! Lombardy and the Web Advisor Team, I had the great opportunity to live a work day with Xaverian Missionaries; I don’t want to hide the strong emotion I felt in bringing our beloved CMS in a so prestigious area, with the presence of official Vatican State delegates and missionaries coming from all over the world.

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Plus rapide, plus sûr et plus stable - Joomla et PHP 7

Plus rapide, plus sûr et plus stable - Joomla et PHP 7

Joomla est un CMS basé sur PhP et MySQL. La popularité et la distribution de Joomla ont été rendus possible il y a 10 ans car avec PHP et MySQL, nous avions trouvé une base très conviviale et moderne pour le développement et c'est encore le cas aujourd'hui. Dans cet article, nous allons parler un peu d'histoire et expliquer les avantages et les inconvénients de l'utilisation de PHP 7 avec Joomla 3.5. 

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Open Source Matters tria nova presidenta, Sarah Watz, per guiar Joomla!

Open Source Matters tria nova presidenta, Sarah Watz, per guiar Joomla!

Watz és la primera presidenta internacional d'OSM; per fomentar el creixement global del SGC que produeix més d'un 3 per cent de la web

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Unconference about taking Joomla! Forward at J and Beyond 2011

Unconference about taking Joomla! Forward at J and Beyond 2011

I am no singer, nor a designer and definitely not a writer. That said I got the opportunity to write this article after the unconference at J! And Beyond 2011. It was requested by the audience that someone compile and contribute this article to the Joomla! Community Magazine, June issue.

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Browse by Language

Browse by Language

Our Joomla! community spans the globe. The sun never sets on Joomla!, or on the people who create, develop and think up new ideas, every day, in dozens of different languages.

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