From coders to content managers and from designers to developers: everyone in our community has had a starting point. And we all learn in different ways. Dénes Székely, for instance, started out as a programmer, created his first websites by using raw HTML and Javascript and discovered Mambo when he was looking for a way to manage a large, multilingual website.
We all learn in different ways. Some of us learn by following written step-by-step instructions with or without screenshots, some by watching tutorial videos, some by asking others, and some by clicking around to see what happens. For Julie Steffers, it was a bit of ‘all of the above’. When she needed to create an intranet website, she started out by launching a website on, the platform that enables you to build fully functional Joomla websites and experience how Joomla works (for free!). And she learned a lot along the way.
Eoin Oliver can’t really remember when he made his first Joomla website, but he does remember that it was a very cool one, and how amazed he was to have professional software to build it with. He played around with several different systems before he decided to go with Joomla.
From 14 to 19 April 2020 the German-speaking Joomla community started the project "Kids bauen Webseiten” (Kids build websites).
In 2001, I had a bright idea. I'd combine my love of writing with my software skills and create a writers' website, a place where writers could share and showcase their work, readers would enjoy a wide range of writing, and publishers could unearth new talent.
When our team kicked off organizing an international Joomla conference in May 2020, we had no idea that a global pandemic would ruin all our plans. However, as a community born in the online world, nothing seemed more obvious than turning our beloved family meeting into an online event, bringing people from around the globe together in these crazy times.
For many companies and roles, COVID-19 has brought unexpected closure and job loss. However, for others, it’s been a way to get creative on how to keep their doors open, including moving to a virtual model of business.
В конце 2014 года владелец и Мерав Нафо любезно согласилась побеседовать с журналом "Joomla! Community Magazine" о главных для ее команды моментах в 2014 году, но ввиду непредвиденных организационных проблем это интервью публикуется только сейчас. Читайте в нем о том, как она стала новым "шерифом" в "городке" JomSocial, который она приобрела в 2012 году; о том, как она и ее команда стремятся вызвать у своих покупателей "Ого!"; о ее любимом блюде "Суши" и о том, как сегодняшний выпускник должен подходить к осуществлению своей мечты создать свой собственный бизнес по веб-разработкам.
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