Website Case Study: High Court of Australia Case Study

Website Case Study: High Court of Australia Case Study

The High Court is the highest court in the Australian judicial system, and was established in 1901 by Section 71 of the Constitution. The functions of the High Court are to interpret and apply the law of Australia; to decide cases of special federal significance including challenges to the constitutional validity of laws and to hear appeals, by special leave, from Federal, State and Territory courts. The new High Court website acts as a central point of information relating to cases and the High Court. PB Web Development crafted a creative interface that is not only visually appealing, but is also built to meet web accessibility standards.

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  43689 Hits

Born to be Wild: An Interview with Chris Marinou

Born to be Wild: An Interview with Chris Marinou
Chris Marinou, a free-wheeling adventure seeker and Joomla! developer, sat down long enough to answer a few questions for the Joomla! Community Magazine.
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  50381 Hits

Rapid Development Techniques – Removing Mootools

A fact of web development is that no two people use the exact same tools – why should Javascript frameworks be any different? Whether you use jQuery, Prototype, YUI, Dojo, or something in between, we should all have the freedom of choice when it comes to our development tools.

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  37169 Hits

Fourteen secrets of Joomla! templating

Fourteen secrets of Joomla! templating

Over the past few months, Kyle and I have been compiling a killer list of Joomla! templating snippets that has the potential to change the way that you approach templating in Joomla!.

We had planned to publish this article well before the release of Joomla! 1.6, and to release the 1.6 version of this post to coincide with it going stable ... but alas, that is not to be. Given that the Joomla! 1.5 end life is still a long way off, I'm pretty sure you will find this list useful for your upcoming projects.

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  112576 Hits

Joomla! - We Keep It Movin'

Joomla! - We Keep It Movin'

For many of us, today we celebrate the ability to look back on a year filled with challenges and opportunities and say to ourselves, "One more time, I've made it." It's also a time when we look forward and resolve to change those things we think we can improve and commit to working on all those great ideas there just wasn't enough time for.

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  25708 Hits

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