Review "Joomla! 1.5 Top Extensions Cookbook"

Review "Joomla! 1.5 Top Extensions Cookbook"
Like the Joomla! Site Blueprints we reviewed earlier the Joomla! 1.5 Top Extensions Cookbook contains a step-by-step approach. With over 80 recipes for taking control of Joomla! extensions, this is a great book for getting to know many extensions. Again, I do recognize this is about J! 1.5 - 1.6 is out, but even today we see new extensions for 1.5 appearing in the Joomla! Extensions Directory.
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  88325 Hits

Using Doctrine ORM in Joomla!

Joomla is a decent CMS with very nice features. It works great for the end user and has many components ready to use from the online world. What I don't like personally, as a developer, is the model implementation in Joomla. For me the way ' model and table' classes are implemented, just doesn't feel right to me. Also it is very difficult to get other models in a controller or an other model class. With Symfony I have worked with Doctrine regularly and in this blog I'll show you how to use Doctrine for your own component in Joomla. Doctrine is an Object Relational  Mapping framework and offers you a persistence library. This not the holy grail and you should determine  if you need the extra overhead and if you are comfortable with it.

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  37335 Hits

Push me, pull you...

Push me, pull you...

Joomla! is free and open-source, but it is also a huge commercially driven multi-million dollar ecosystem. The majority of Joomla! volunteers have strong commercial interest in Joomla! and have their own personal motivation when it comes to Joomla!. This is not a bad thing but managing all these “forces” pushing and pulling Joomla! in “different” directions is a challenge. Here are my thoughts on a different management approach that could help our project overcome these challenges.

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  50185 Hits

How to put more love into your Joomla! dates...

How to put more love into your Joomla! dates...

One of the things that tends to grab my attention browsing sites is the creative use of dates. It's not always appropriate, or even necessary, to get creative with date styling and in most cases, it is only relevant for blogs and perhaps even then, blogs written by creative people. But nonetheless, I love it when a designer puts an elegant or flamboyant touch into the design of their date elements.

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  97725 Hits

Awesomenimity at J and Beyond 2011

Awesomenimity at J and Beyond 2011

Unfortunately, I am not able to attend 2011 CMS Expo, USA (May 2-4) which seems to be a highly anticipated event in the fast-growth CMS Sector, and usually I write articles after attending a conference and not in advance, but in the Joomla!sphere, everything is a bit different these days. I assume many people will come directly from the CMS Expo to Europe for a truly unique event:

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  24903 Hits

Lessons about openness and transparency from a budget discussion

Lessons about openness and transparency from a budget discussion

Last month, the 2011 Joomla! draft budget was published and community feedback on it was invited. I believe this was the first time that community feedback was invited before our project's budget was formally approved.

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  101288 Hits

Samantha Farrell - Fade Away

  6995 Hits

Joomla! in the Press/Media - May 2011

Joomla! in the Press/Media - May 2011

Welcome to Joomla! in the Press/Media. You will find links and short descriptions of where you can read recent articles about Joomla! in the Press and Media.

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  29011 Hits

Jane Beyond & friends

Jane Beyond & friends

Illustration by:  YeprJane Beyond

  22501 Hits

Open Source Matters: April 2011 Report

Open Source Matters: April 2011 Report

April showers wouldn't bring May flowers without a little help from OSM.

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  18429 Hits

Helpful E-mail Marketing Components for Joomla! Powered Websites

Helpful E-mail Marketing Components for Joomla! Powered Websites

What do you think about an E-mail Marketing component written just for Joomla! powered websites? If you own a Joomla! based website and you want to carry out E-mail Marketing Campaigns to boost your site’s image, components integrating E-mail Marketing services with Joomla! are highly recommended.

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  114746 Hits

5 Ways to Document Your Joomla Extension

5 Ways to Document Your Joomla Extension

When it comes to creating an extension for Joomla — or any type of software — documentation will always be an important part of that extension’s success.

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  27444 Hits

Organizing Dutch Joomla!days and back to life again

Organizing Dutch Joomla!days and back to life again

The Dutch Joomladays are a continuing success since April 2006. Hundreds of Joomla! users and professionals have attended the annual event since then. On the 2nd and 3rd of April 2011 many Joomla! users, developers, professionals and community members did travel to a central location in the Netherlands to attend the Dutch Joomla!days.

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  20919 Hits

Website Case Study: Joomla! Powers the CMS Expo

Website Case Study: Joomla! Powers the CMS Expo

The CMS Expo is one of the only conferences in the world that brings together many of today's top Content Management Systems under one roof. With more than 60 professional speakers and over 100 learning sessions scheduled over the 3-day event, May 2-4, 2011 in Chicago, Illinois, you can find information and training from some of the CMS industry's top professionals without sitting through an infomercial or someone selling their services on stage.

John and Linda Coonan are the event organizers and are avid Joomla! Community members themselves, through their work with the Chicago Joomla! Users Group and their annual CMSExpo Conference each year. We had the chance to sit down with John Coonen and ask him about the Joomla! powered CMS Expo website.

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  55430 Hits

Wanted: The Average Joomla! User

Wanted: The Average Joomla! User

With so much happening in the Joomla! Community these days with all these brilliant people working on the new Joomla! Framework Project, and the geniuses adding great new features to the Joomla! CMS, I wanted to take a quick minute and highlight a crucial area of the of the Joomla! Project that everyone can help with, even folks like me who are pretty much useless when it comes to programming!

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  14824 Hits

The Sandbox Manifesto

The Sandbox Manifesto
A declaration of intent from an open source, front-end developer.
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  31299 Hits

Post your Haikus for May

Post your Haikus for May

Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.

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  24842 Hits

How to become a css detective with CSS Edit

How to become a css detective with CSS Edit

Being given the challenge of styling or restyling a Joomla! site can quickly mean that the erstwhile designer has to don a virtual trenchcoat and fedora to miraculously transform into a code detective. One of the most confusing things for new Joomla! users when it comes to changing a design element on a Joomla! website is trying to figure out where the code for any given style is coming from, and then of course it's another thing to then go and change the style.

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  42946 Hits

For Rocker Samantha Farrell, Joomla! Rocks

For Rocker Samantha Farrell, Joomla! Rocks

NBC Los Angeles called Samantha Farrell "the best singer-songwriter you still haven't heard of," and that had to change. Her solution? A Joomla! website to integrate her music sales, performance schedule, multimedia and blog, made entirely with open source software from the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

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  45166 Hits

The Joomla! Setup

The Joomla! Setup

The Joomla! Setup is a series of interviews with developers in the Joomla! community, talking about the tools they use to get the job done, inspired by the setup. Can you tell who it is?

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  32420 Hits

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