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Open Source: An Intergenerational Dialogue

Open Source: an intergenerational dialogue

The Joomla project shows very clearly how quickly web technologies have developed and how they bring with them a multitude of challenges that developers have to overcome today.

Since its inception in 2005, Joomla has witnessed countless technological advancements, evolving continuously. This has brought together a community comprising seasoned developers familiar with the early days of PHP; Javscript; HTML and CSS and a younger generation working with modern frameworks and tools like Bootstrap, Composer, and API-first approaches. 

Some have witnessed the transition from Mambo to Joomla, understanding the importance of community-driven decisions in the platform’s evolution. Some navigated the challenges of long-term project maintenance, managing sites through Joomla versions from 1.x to 5x, which has given them insights into balancing backward compatibility with innovation.
This intergenerational mix not only brings challenges but also offers incredible opportunities for innovation and growth.

The Perspective of Experienced Developers

Experienced developers often possess a profound understanding of the fundamentals — the "mechanics" behind the technologies.
Over time, respect for the capabilities of technology grows. The more knowledge one accumulates, the more conscious one becomes of its complexity. Systems often exhibit unexpected side effects, and there is rarely a single perfect solution — just the best among the possible options. Often, making a change in one area leads to unforeseen problems elsewhere.
The seemingly simple question, “What’s the right way to do this?” is often met with the sobering answer: “It depends.” This insight is not a weakness but a mark of experience. It reminds us of the importance of considering all aspects of a challenge and always keeping the context in mind.

Openness to New Ideas

Yet, even experienced developers benefit from embracing new approaches and ideas. Innovation does not arise from stagnation. Often, fresh ideas — from younger colleagues or other perspectives — help us grow, learn new things, and satisfy our curiosity.
I’m grateful for every idea I wouldn’t have come up with myself. Discussions where everyone contributes their knowledge often lead to new, better solutions. This is the true spirit of open source: in the end, the best solution is one we’ve developed together.

The Art of Listening

An essential skill in this exchange is active listening. Whether fresh out of university or a seasoned veteran, there’s always someone to learn from. Often, during a discussion, you realize that the other person offers a perspective you had never considered. These are the moments to pause and embrace new insights.
Young developers should understand that older colleagues are not "old-fashioned" but have a deep understanding of the foundations upon which modern technology is built. At the same time, experienced developers should value the perspectives and fresh ideas of younger colleagues, as they bring innovation and new approaches to the table.
The fusion of experience and innovation is the key to real progress.

Respect as the Foundation

Above all, mutual respect is essential. No one has all the answers, and intergenerational exchange not only leads to better solutions but also fosters personal growth. Listening, questioning, and discussing together — these are the tools that help us advance as developers and as individuals.

In the end, it’s not about who was right but about finding the best possible solution together.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

The December Issue


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