JUG Highlight: Joomla! Cape Town

JUG Highlight: Joomla! Cape Town

Joomla! User Groups around the world allow thousands of Joomla! users to connect each month with local Joomla! users, and talk about everything from the Joomla! Community and the latest releases, to their own experiences and solutions with Joomla! This month we caught up with the members of the Joomla! User Group in Cape Town, South Africa and asked them about their user group, what they liked about it, and how it impacted them!

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  33024 Hits

Open Source Matters: June 2011 Report

Open Source Matters: June 2011 Report

The month of June was marked by some volunteer changes and code releases:

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  14325 Hits

Free Joomla! 1.6 Templates for Joomla! Community

Since the release of Joomla! 1.6, Joomla! providers have received a number of requests on Joomla! 1.6 Free Templates from Joomla! users. In this article, I would like to introduce some Joomla! 1.6 free templates on several themes from different Joomla! experts. By choosing templates based on certain themes, I hope to meet your first requests on building websites with Joomla!

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  90563 Hits

Unconference about taking Joomla! Forward at J and Beyond 2011

Unconference about taking Joomla! Forward at J and Beyond 2011

I am no singer, nor a designer and definitely not a writer. That said I got the opportunity to write this article after the unconference at J! And Beyond 2011. It was requested by the audience that someone compile and contribute this article to the Joomla! Community Magazine, June issue.

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  24062 Hits

Add a Session Timer

Add a Session Timer

Don't build a long, straight road to your SuperAdministrator privileges for hackers to travel. Install a session timer instead.

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  34276 Hits

Mission Control: Taking the Joomla! admin to new heights

Mission Control: Taking the Joomla! admin to new heights

At the end of April Rocket Theme announced the arrival of their long awaited and much anticipated admin theme for Joomla! 1.5 and Joomla! 1.6. Rocket Theme club members have had access to the beta version during the development process and I'm sure to the delight of many a Joomla! user, when the theme was ready for release it was made freely available for all Joomla! users to download.

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  38865 Hits

Impressions from J and Beyond 2011

  6920 Hits

Joomla! in the Press/Media - June 2011

Joomla! in the Press/Media - June 2011

Welcome to Joomla! in the Press/Media. You will find links and short descriptions of where you can read recent articles about Joomla! in the Press and Media.

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  19584 Hits

Discover over 1800 government sites built in Joomla!

Discover over 1800 government sites built in Joomla!

March 2011. Ryan Ozimek is talking with the people at NASA, representing our beloved C1.5MS, when they pop “the question”. “So, yeah. The White House site is built on Drupal. Can you top that?”

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  58578 Hits

Construct Template Development Framework

Construct Template Development Framework

I'm a firm believer that it's the simple things in life that matter the most. I feel the same way about web sites, software design and development. I find that developing simple solutions which solve complex issues can be a good challenge. One of the biggest challenges one faces when creating "simple" is figuring out where simple stops and where complex starts. It's really a case of learning to tell yourself ‘no’, and that's very hard to do.

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  25374 Hits

Post your haikus for June

Post your haikus for June

Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.

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  18557 Hits

J is for Joy...

J is for Joy...

Joomla! is a huge, worldwide community, encompassing many languages and many cultures. When we are able to work and collaborate together, we can do amazing things with incredible results. When we bring our joy into what we do, it is shared with all.

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  22305 Hits

Happy Birthday, JPeople!

Happy Birthday, JPeople!

The month of May marked the first anniversary of JPeople, also known as The People Site. Please join me with a look in looking back at this amazing year and celebrate the accomplishments that have happened right here in our Social Network.

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  17904 Hits

Website Case Study: Glenora Farm

Website Case Study: Glenora Farm

Glenora Farm is based on Vancouver Island in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. It is a place where care givers and people with developmental disabilities live, learn and work together, sharing in a culturally rich and productive environment.

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  31688 Hits

JAB11 - An International Joomla! Conference

JAB11 - An International Joomla! Conference
Have you ever heard of JAB? JAB is an abbreviation of jandbeyond. An international conference about Joomla! and all things related to Joomla! The first JAB was held in 2010 and unfortunately I wasn't able to attend due to work reasons. This year I had the chance to attend JAB and I made it. Now, four weeks later, I want to share my feelings about the jandbeyond conference with you because I want to tell you the impressions I got out of the conference, and it's not as easy as I thought!
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  18851 Hits

Navigating the code development process (part 1 of 2)

Navigating the code development process (part 1 of 2)

While at JAB11 last month, I heard comments from more than a few developers that it could be difficult to get their code accepted into the Joomla! core. So I committed to publishing a JCM article to try and address those concerns. In the first article of this two part series, we will take an overview of how the existing development process works. Developers are encouraged to post their questions and comments below this article throughout the month of June (the earlier the better), so that some of those questions and comments may be used as the basis for next month's concluding article in this series.

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  21496 Hits

The Joomla! project wants you!

The Joomla! project wants you!

The JCM is proud to announce a new way for community members to find out different areas of the project where they can help as a volunteer contributor: The “Help wanted in the community” forum!

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  17844 Hits

Open Source Matters: May 2011 Report

Open Source Matters: May 2011 Report

Milestones reached and goals projected; nominations and new members added; technical enhancements and new features - so much to report on leadership activity and initiatives for the month of May!

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  14691 Hits

Extending Joomla! 1.6

Extending Joomla! 1.6

One of the factors that first attracted me to Joomla!® was the number of Free (or low-price) Extensions available. These Extensions (Components, Module, Plugins, etc.) make it possible to build virtually any web site that my clients ask of me.

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  20852 Hits

Joomla! Voices Heard Around the World

Joomla! Voices Heard Around the World

The Joomla! Community is a thriving bunch of Open Source loving geeks. We share code and experiences virtually in forums, social media sites, skype chats and various places around the web each and every day. Every once in a while, we actually get together for some training and fellowship with other Joomla! community members through Joomla! User Groups and JoomlaDay events throughout the world.

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  28543 Hits

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