Dear Joomla newbie, I assure you that you will be all excited about getting involved and making a contribution to the vibrant Joomla community. Why excited? You are going to gain lots of knowledge about Joomla, befriending a number of Joomla lovers, taking part in monthly Joomla events and especially, making a contribution to the development of your beloved CMS (I’m sure you already love Joomla better than anything else because you are reading my article – it’s all about Joomla!).
“We are an animation company and we wanted a flexible site to explore what kids like in our projects. We wanted to build it on an open-source platform and HTML 5, because we think that’s the future. That’s the reason we chose Joomla!” -- Edorta Barruetabeña, SOMUGA PRODUKTORA S.L.
Volunteering to help with Joomla! is fun! Check here for listings of current volunteer openings throughout the Joomla! project that have been posted in the "Help wanted in the community” forum.
Joomla! has had a lot on tap the last few months, especially in the way of Joomla!Day events! If you haven't been to one yet, you are missing out on all the fun. It's a great way to meet new folks and learn some new tricks.
Long-time advocate for a User Experience (UX) focus at the heart of the Joomla project, Ron Severdia spoke to the JCM about the recent launch of the Joomla! User Experience (JUX) Team website. Ron, a Joomla user since 2006, is Creative Director of Kontent Design, a member of the Production Leadership Team (PLT), and a member of the Kunena team.
This tutorial is aimed at Joomla users who have grasped the basics and are just starting to require customization that needs something more than the standard Joomla toolbox.
Welcome to Joomla! in the Press/Media. You will find links and short descriptions of where you can read recent articles about Joomla! in the Press and Media.
"TweetDeck, CoTweet, Seesmic… Which Social Media Dashboard should I choose?" If you are a Twitter user and want to manage your account efficiently, this question might not seem strange to you. Even so, this question cannot be answered easily since each program has its own advantages. We did research on popular Social Media Dashboards, finally choosing HootSuite because of its rich, easy–to–use yet powerful managing features. Let's see how the software can help you follow Joomla!...
This article was written originally by Eden Orion in Hebrew. Eden will be one of the lecturers at Joomla!Day Israel 2011 on October 10th.
There are many ways to be involved in the Joomla! community. This article (part 1) presents some ideas about how you can help in the community. Part 2 will be available in next month's issue of JCM.
If you are a professional site builder, but not a professional developer, then you have likely wished you could quickly build custom Joomla! extensions that would allow you to collect exactly the data needed, presented in the precise manner, as required by your client.
On the 19th and 20th of August, the Joomla! community in South Africa (including guests from seven countries) came together in Cape Town, to share their experience, and to learn from each other.
Many years ago, I wrote an article for a learning website, and I saw that many people printed my article, and the printed article had no logo or copyright. So, I decided to insert my logo on the print and pdf pages on my site. This article will guide you on how to do the same.
Welcome to Joomla! in the Press/Media. You will find links and short descriptions of where you can read recent articles about Joomla! in the Press and Media.
Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.
In September, 2005, the lights went down, the last stragglers grabbed their seats, and the last few coughs were made. This audience had gathered for a Symphony of sorts, not the traditional masterpieces that have been performed on stages for centuries, but something new, an orchestration performed far from the domain of maestros and musicians.
Many years ago, when I first started designing Joomla! websites, I found that I ran into a few stumbling blocks when working with clients. Being young and eager, I'd always jump straight into a design with very little thought, preparation, or even communication with a client! I would spend hours and hours at my desk coming up with what I thought was the "perfect design" for the client only to get it completely rejected with comments such as, "I was thinking of something a little different", or "That's not quite what I had in mind", or even worse "Are you really a designer?"
From July 29 - 31, Gunner acted as facilitator for the Joomla! Leadership Joint Summit in San Jose. His unique background of techie, open sourcerer, and non-profit enthusiast made him the perfect person for this role. Here Gunner talks about his history with Joomla!, the experience of the summit, and his inspired vision of technology and the internet. Gunner is Executive Director of Aspiration.
Joomla! turns 6 in September, and what a wild ride it's been! Milestones since Joomla's last birthday include:
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