20 Suggestions for Better Style and Script Designing in Joomla! Extensions (Part 2)

20 Suggestions for Better Style and Script Designing in Joomla! Extensions (Part 2)

Extension developers provide a large number of extensions for Joomla!. But as you may know, some of them are not compatible with many templates. Also, in many cases Joomla extensions do not have standard style and script designs, and because of this many users are forced to hack their extensions. In this article I am going to provide and explain 20 suggestions for better style and script design of Joomla extensions and maybe these simple techniques and patterns will help you! Read the second part of this article now.

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  28120 Hits

Две самых важных вещи, которые вы можете сделать чтобы обезопасить ваш Joomla-сайт

Две самых важных вещи, которые вы можете сделать чтобы обезопасить ваш Joomla-сайт

Сделать веб-сайт безопасным это первоочередная задача для многих людей. Каждый пытается удостовериться, что его сайт всегда будет работать и будет безопасным. Когда кто-то выражает сомнения по поводу безопасности своего сайта, я обычно спрашиваю их, как давно они делали резервное копирование. Большинство не знают, или вообще не имеют резервных копий.

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  45024 Hits

What You Probably Never Knew Lurked Within Google Analytics!

What You Probably Never Knew Lurked Within Google Analytics!

Keeping up with changes from Google can be rather challenging at the best of times, and some of the more recent changes and advanced features added to their popular analytics platform have gone largely unnoticed by many people. This series of articles will take you through some of the more recent additions, and also highlight some useful features that you may not have previously explored.

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  24889 Hits

Going to Production with Joomla!

Going to Production with Joomla!

Since Joomla! 2.5 we are all equipped with previously missing key functionality in the core. I am talking about ACL, one-click upgrade, multilingual support, multiple database drivers and much more. By having all these features along with a robust framework in place we are ready to build advanced wed portals and integrate Joomla with additional open-source or commercial software and data sources.

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  17434 Hits

Top Fashion VirtueMart Templates

Give your e-Commerce fashion website some style and panache with these VirtueMart templates... 

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  100800 Hits

We Heart Joomla!

We Heart Joomla!

The Joomla Community Magazine is like a box of chocolates…

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  17954 Hits

Beyond Responsive Design: Scalable User Experiences

Beyond Responsive Design: Scalable User Experiences

A while back I came across a video on streamlined inline editing in Drupal 8, and while I was impressed with a lot of what they've done, I noticed that the new interface seems to be somewhat less functional. This got me to thinking about my frustration with the administration interface for Joomla 3.0, which inspired a post on my Toronto Joomla blog An Argument for Complex User Interfaces.

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  18520 Hits

More Hands on Deck

More Hands on Deck

The big news in leadership in recent weeks is the new kids on the block. Meet them!

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  13628 Hits

Tutorial: Taking Advantage of Alternative Layouts for Articles and Modules

Tutorial: Taking Advantage of Alternative Layouts for Articles and Modules

Template overrides are a great way to customize your Joomla site. But what if you want to use different article or module layouts throughout your site? Joomla's strict MVC architecture makes that a breeze with the "Alternative Layouts" feature.

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  111941 Hits

Joomla! 3.0 Extension Development Series: Beginning Development

Joomla! 3.0 Extension Development Series: Beginning Development

In order to have a good working example for this tutorial series on Joomla! 3.0 component development I have chosen to walk through the process by actually writing an extension. This component will be available for review and download by visiting the accompanying site referenced throughout this and future articles. My goal is to write a rather robust component beyond a simple “Hello World” component to fully demonstrate key points in actual component development.

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  72412 Hits

Tutorial - Disseny d'una sola pàgina per a Joomla!

A l'àrea del disseny i desenvolupament de webs, trobem moltes agències i dissenyadors gràfics que ofereixen els seus serveis per Internet. Moltes vegades visitem els seus llocs i veiem amb enveja com s'apliquen fantàstics efectes a les seves webs i ja voldríem nosaltres de vegades poder implementar més d'algun, als nostres llocs desenvolupats amb Joomla!.

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  10851 Hits

Article - Joomla! i la Movilitat

Article - Joomla! i la Movilitat

En l'any 2013 hi haurà més dispositius mòbils capaços d'accedir al web. Com presentar el teu lloc web Joomla! a tots aquells usuaris que hi accedeixen des dels seus dispositius mòbils? Un lloc web mòbil, és un lloc web que ha estat optimitzat per funcionar en un navegador mòbil.

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  9688 Hits

Training Your Clients with Video - Part 2

Training Your Clients with Video - Part 2

This is the second article in a four-part series, based in my presentation at the 2012 Joomla! World Conference in San Jose.

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  20498 Hits

Post your Haikus for February

Post your Haikus for February

Here is an easy and fun way for you to share your feelings about Joomla! with the rest of the community: Simply write a haiku about Joomla! below in the comments area of this month's page. Be sure to check back here to read the haikus submitted by other members of the community. We will have a page for new haikus in every upcoming JCM issue.

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  13474 Hits

Interview: Humble Bundles – Behind the Bargain

Interview: Humble Bundles – Behind the Bargain

Humble Bundle is a project that was recently launched by Dinh Viet Hung of JoomlArt. Anyone who knows Hung, knows his enthusiasm is always on hyper-drive and his ideas are endless. We sat him down long enough to ask him about his latest venture... 

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  18724 Hits

Have You Browsed Joomla.org Lately?

Have You Browsed Joomla.org Lately?

One of the presentations I was most interested in during the Joomla World Conference 2012 was Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the JCM (But Were Afraid to Ask) by Alice Grevet and Dianne Henning. They promoted the magazine and how it can be an asset for people with different interests related to Joomla! It made me wonder, how much of Joomla.org is still invisible to the vast majority.

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  16928 Hits

Marketing & Dating Meet at the Thank You Economy

Marketing & Dating Meet at the Thank You Economy

The way we communicate and interact with each other and with a brand has drastically changed over the past few years. Social media, email and blogging have opened the flood gates of personal communication opportunities and we are just at the...

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  14713 Hits

Comunitat - Objectius del OSM per a 2013 - Esborrall

Comunitat - Objectius del OSM per a 2013 - Esborrall

Durant la reunió conjunta de líders a la cimera de Sant Josep, Califòrnia el 15 de novembre de 2012, un tema que els membres dels equips de Joomla Production Leadership (PLT), Community Leadership Team (CLT) i la Open Source Matters (OSM) van estar d'acord , va ser a intentar concloure els objectius de l'equip per al 2013 abans del 31 de desembre de 2012.

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  9209 Hits

Comunitat - No hi han límits...

Comunitat - No hi han límits...

En començar el nou any, sempre hi ha algun moment per pensar en ... "Si posa límits en el que fas, tant física o en qualsevol altre nivell, aquest s'estendrà en el seu treball i en la seva vida, no hi ha límits només existeixen altiplans, i vostè no ha de quedar-se aquí - .. ha d'anar més enllà d'ells ." Bruce Lee

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  9898 Hits

Presenting... JUG Rio!

Presenting... JUG Rio!

Back in 2012 a group of crazy folks got together and decided it was high time that a Joomla User Group be founded in Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro is a city in in Brazil, located in South America. Interest in the Joomla platform is growing in Rio, thus the need for those of like Joomla mind be joined together so that knowledge can be growing at the same time as interest in the Joomla platform.

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  11702 Hits

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