Investing in HTTPS is Crucial to Your Joomla Site’s Integrity

Investing in HTTPS is Crucial to Your Joomla Site’s Integrity

When you sit down at a local coffee shop or free public Wi-Fi hotspot, log into one of your favorite sites, and begin surfing the web, you might as well be handing out business cards with your login IDs and passwords to everyone around you. That’s because sites that don’t have HTTPS encryption provide no protection for the end user. Instead, they leave you vulnerable and exposed. Is that a place you want to put your site’s visitors?



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Website Monitoring, Backup, and Two Cups of Coffee

Website Monitoring, Backup, and Two Cups of Coffee

Being part of J and Beyond, has given me the pleasure of seeing old friends again, but also the opportunity to see that particular companies continue to be at the forefront. It is great to see that from the strong foundation that those companies made years ago due to their sponsorship, worldwide Joomla events have been able to take place, as well as other activities that the rest of the community need.

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Channels, Chunks, and the Death of the "Web Page"

Channels, Chunks, and the Death of the "Web Page"

What are some of the thought-leaders in content strategy saying this year? If they are right, what might this imply for Joomla?

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Explaining Joomla! to Non-Technologists (Part III)

Explaining Joomla! to Non-Technologists (Part III)

This article is written as a continuation of those published in this magazine in November 2013 and January 2014It is highly recommended to read these articles before venturing into the pleasant adventure of knowing what this article is going to be about. Why… What are we going to talk about in the next lines? We will discuss the process which Joomla generates to show information in my browser when you click anywhere.



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Complex Joomla! 1.5 Migration With Minimal Downtime

Complex Joomla! 1.5 Migration With Minimal Downtime

Joomla 1.5 is not supported by the Joomla project for quite some time now. You still can continue to use Joomla 1.5, but (security) updates will no longer be released. Furthermore, both Joomla 2 and Joomla 3 have many new features and improvements. Perhaps you recognize it: once you use Joomla 2 or Joomla 3, managing a Joomla 1.5 website really feels old-fashioned and you notice how greatly Joomla actually improved.

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RTL Administrator Template, and More!

RTL Administrator Template, and More!

What do you think about the administrator panel of Joomla! 3.x? The opinions are split. I for one got some serious negative feedback from my clients not wanting to upgrade, saying that the panel is not user friendly. Some of them said they were used to the old panel and it's hard for them to make the learning curve once again. Add to that the fact that most templates are not designed for RTL (right-to-left) languages, and in an RTL country like Israel, you are stuck. 

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Some Tips for SEO in Joomla 3.0

Some Tips for SEO in Joomla 3.0

Everyday there are countless websites set up on the Internet and thousands of websites built with Joomla. So if you are not actively implement the ads for your website on the search engines, it’ll gradually be forgotten. Joomla Users certainly are very interested in Joomla SEO. Beside the basic support functions Joomla SEO Setting, there are too many different choices so that you can feel overwhelming.


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Facebook And Your Joomla! Website

Facebook And Your Joomla! Website

“I want my website to integrate with Facebook.” It might sound specific, but it’s not. Facebook is a huge website and Joomla is an ever evolving CMS so the ways the two can work together are varied and interesting. Being clear with what you want (and don’t want) will help you get the Facebook integration you want on your website.

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10 Arguments That Threaten the Security of Your Website

10 Arguments That Threaten the Security of Your Website

Nobody wants to have their website get hacked. And yet almost everyone has some reason to ignore security measures. This article talks about "hackers", however "crackers" would be a better name. Hacking is the ingenious use of tools (e.g. software) for purposes that differ from normal use. Cracking is the unauthorized entry of a website to do things that are not allowed by the owner. Because cracking is often referred to as "hacking", I’ll reluctantly use the word “hack” in this article.

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Introducing the 'Client' Template

Introducing the 'Client' Template

If your clients want a simpler backend to their websites, don’t log them in to an 'admin' template – serve them a 'client' template.

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