1 minute reading time (259 words)

Public Intro, Restricted Article

Public Intro, Restricted Article

There are times when the project of a site calls for the introduction of texts to be visible by general audiences, but if the visitor wants to see the full article, s/he must log in to the system. The full content is blocked and only after the visitor creates or is granted an access account will s/he be able enjoy the full content of the article.

In this short tutorial, I will show you how to configure your Joomla system to meet this demand.

  1. In the Article Manager: Articles click on Options button on the top right.
  2. Then, click on the Articles tab, go to the option Show Intro Text and click on Hide. This will allow the introduction to be displayed separately from the rest of the article, enabling, for example, your article to have a different intro text from the full article.
  3. On the same page, down below, go to Show Unauthorized Links and select Yes.
  4. Create your article separating the intro text from the full text by using the well-known Read More feature.
  5. Change the access level of the article to Registered.

Test the result. When you visit the page, the usual Read More button changes to Register to read more...

Once you click on it, the page will load the login module.

After logging in, you will see the full article.

Remember this feature will only affect those articles with the intro text separated from the full article by a Read More and set to Registered.

Please note: this may not work correctly on localhost.

Some articles published on the Joomla Community Magazine represent the personal opinion or experience of the Author on the specific topic and might not be aligned to the official position of the Joomla Project

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